Please add any suitable documents and comment on the documents below

Below please find a list of appropriate documents that should act as input to our work on the NREN Futures Panel. If you have any suggestions for other seminal papers, please let us know and I will add them to the list.

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  1. Anonymous

    Is there any reading material about research and education networking by someone
    from outside the community? Or are there comparable texts about how ICT generally
    caters to the needs of the R&E sectors? I ask because we have been described as
    somewhat "self-referential", and so am looking for other views.


    Mike Norris (can't login)

  2. Unknown User (m.norris)

    I found this article interesting -

    I'm not saying there is a direct analogy between AT&T in the USA 40+ years ago, and NRENs nowadays. However, are not NRENs monopolies, at the insistence of the EC? They (the EC) needed a unique entity to exist in each member state, to be a partner in the pan-European research network, currently known as GEANT. In many ways, NRENs are aware of this special position and behave accordingly. But is it a natural monopoly any longer, and are other models not only possible, but desirable?

    Another perhaps more tenuous parallel, and that is the case of "national airlines". It was felt, for many years, that a country needed to have a state-run airline, for strategic reasons, and not just as a matter of national pride. However, the opening up of the market to risk-taking airlines, and the selling off of shares in the former incumbents has led to a competitive market with much cheaper airfares, and no apparent loss of national sovereignty as a result.

    The monopoly nature of NRENs perhaps derives largely from their research role; that is the basis of the GEANT funding, from the Framework programmes to stimulate research. In their education function, NRENs seem to be competing more and more with commercial companies, so in effect the monopoly position is becoming less relevant there. The research funding, both from the EC and the matching portion from national governments, has still a very cohesive effect, keeping large institutions as clients of NRENs and keeping NRENs together in GEANT and other collaborations. Should we consider these roles, the R and the E parts of NRENs, separately? There might be a strong case for developing the research function at national and global levels, while working on a different model on the education side, with more emphasis on central layered services (where it makes sense), brokerage, advisory and procurement services, for example.


    Mike Norris

  3. Anonymous

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