
, SWITCH Offices, Zurich, Switzerland.

Start 09:30.

Location - Ann/Thomas's office, 3rd floor.

Lunch c. 12:00, leaving the office for fresh air.




    • concept
    • responsibilities
    • plan
    • design
  • FaaS federation user area in
  • Constitution changes, MRPS and Metadata/Attribute Profile. 
  • Wiki and documentation.
  • eduGAIN town hall agenda.
  • Testing tools, where next? IdP testing report?
    • Long term how to do this kind of integration into better
  • Federation Maturity Reports.
  • Operations details.



eduGAIN map will be SVG not based on Google Map.

Higino to report to Tomasz on all integration work.

Tomasz to be the gatekeeper on integration of new eduGAIN technical tools.

Access to the DB to be provided to these tools in a controlled way via access key.

Higino to answer to Tomasz and deliver additional versions of the map - technical and user subsections


Create a site for that is the service portal for eduGAIN -

Owner Brook: 

Platform location - Amsterdam

Backend remains at Torun

Principle of working - rapid prototyping between design and technical implementation.

Mimic look, feel and navigation of GÉANT site but with specialist focussed technical eduGAIN info.

Common info on initial site - map, participating federations, entity list, wiki, policy,profiles & constitution


Technical implementation - Tomasz, higino to report to Tomasz in this context.

Design - Brook

Content - Migrate & enhance 


If a tool is in production as an official edugain supported tool in the portal, it migrates to the eduGAIN OT, Tomasz.

Tomasz does not have to wait for design plan to migrate these.

Migration - make code available.

Ops - dev teams run test versions, push to git when ready, then Tomasz pull.

  • CoCo monitor - check if this can be migrated to Torun. Need code.
  • Access Check - to be migrated.
  • Map - to be migrated 
  • Attribute release check

Monitoring & BCP list...see Nicole's notes.

Separate project

Do we need to migrate to GÉANT wiki? Not a priority.

Do we need to restructure/sort info on it better? YES

Owner: Lukas, participant Thomas Baereke

Look and feel - lower priority.

Information structure


Main jump page content

  1. Clear link to federation pages, do you want help/contact as a federation
  2. Clear link to enabling user pages, inc. the do you want to help/contact detail


Quick links for federations

  • Meetings of SG

Quick links for Service Providers



Plus segmented content


Technical information for federations - migrate as much as possible to

Tools - link trials in wiki under correct sections, then post pilot, freeze and migrate.

How to use side menu more?


FaaS - not to be integrated into service portal

Yes to be integrated into PR material on eduGAIN



GN4-2 idea 

SA2 - Tomasz & Nicole

JRA3 - Brook & Maja

Dev to be involved in hotfix but Ops own the veto to change

Workflows matching tools need to be developed.

Keep jra and sa linked on service lists.


Constitution changesMRPS and Metadata/Attribute Profile. 


Roadmap - Operational Practice Statement for SAML (eduGAIN) to be produced.

Brook to investigate if Ian Y available for subcontract.

Representatives must be able to represent the technical profiles.

Votes on profiles restricted to people who do the service.

New profiles - full steering endorses first version of new profile. Adopters get to refine it. ie. new profile is a de facto consitutional change.



Proposal - If Interfederaton e.g. Moonshoot, SAML, OIDC, in scope for eduGAIN technical.

If NOT inter federation, e.g. VO Platform, inform eduGAIN, separate governance aligned with basic principles of eduGAIN constitution - eg. VO Plaform.

Affects branding

Action items

17.2.12016 Followup Meeting 



  • Fedlab integration work parked till SGA2 due to lack of resources.
  • Wiki full restructure parked until other priorities cleared
  • Target launch of constitution signing for SGA2.


Actions - new/carried over


  1. Notes from the last meeting - maybe....


    Current PR information
    * status information isn’t DYNAMIC - coming from brook’s personal website
        1. ensure that “technical” generates this SVG
        2. ensure that the PR website uses this site
    * on boarding information for a NEW federation isn’t accessible/discoverable
        1. Stefan/ had difficulty accessing this service + discovering more
        2. review everything on “technical” vs “wiki”
        3. ensure editable content is on “wiki”.
        4. ensure that there are links on the “PR” website.
    * Request a “style guideline” from the NA2 team regarding colour palette
        1. no longer “project” but “association” colours - or the eduGAIN “brands” own colours
        2. not a template - but a guide for all tools sites
    * is redirected to the PR services site
        1. collect information on use of the site + redirects
    * …

    Email Address Migration + Updating
     * <— primary address
        — (should be equivalent)
     * edugain-ot@GÉ + .org
     * edugain-integration@GÉ + .org

    All Components
     * pr
     * technical + db + API
     * mds
     * wiki + IsFederatedCheck
     * monitor
     * mccs

    PR Areas
     * General Public - PR
     * Federations Members (mostly on the technical website)
     * Federations / Not Members (eduGAIN wiki, REFEDS, Inbox, joining list/technical, policy)
     * Campus’
     * Users (Research Groups vs Researchers/Students)
     * OT
     * Tools (and who uses them) - IsFederatedCheck / Tools
     * Other “content” for the wiki
        - Useful external resources
        - tech use case write-ups (not PR content)

    Website Content Map
     * straw man on where all the content is vs should be
     * distributed internally in November 2015
     * distributed to the “town hall” member in December 2015
     * plan to consolidate all information in the “new year”.

    “Federation Development” process
        1. Share CRM/Status with a wider audience
        2. Federation Makes Contact w/Brook
            - Brook provides “policy information”
        3. Does the Federation want managed/unmanaged service
            “Managed” —> FaaS
            “Unmanaged” —> Jagger
        4. What about IdP/SP?
            - Back to Brook? Service?

    Nicole + Harmonisation
    eduGAIN Policy and how we move to technology neutral

  2. Actions: Send a welcome + intro from all eduGAIN* mailing lists on the 20th.

  3. eduGAIN Good Citizen:


      Federation TestIdP/SP Test


    export metadata?

    registration authority



    Fed Support EC

    Fed Support CoCo

    Fed Support R&S

    Upstream/Downstream Consumption

    Fed-Lab* (Roadmap)


    CoCo Mon (Roadmap)

    TODO - enhance data in DB

    TODO - 1. monitor 2. assess 3. bcp



    CoCo Mon


    Connectivity Check + Workflow