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09:00 - 09:15Arrival / connect / "can you hear me now" / coffee   
09:15 - 09:45

Item 1: Approval of Minutes of the eighth GCC, call for AOB

Valter Nordh

Members are requested to APPROVE the minutes of the 8th GCC meeting, subject to any proposed changes.

Member are invited to propose any AOB for the meeting.

Members are invited to DISCUSS progress on the Open Actions for the GCC. 

Update on new ToR

Mentimeter DEMO!  Go to and use the code 46 98 71.

Open Actions

Minutes of the 8th GCC Meeting

GCC Terms of Reference

09:45 - 10:30

Item 2: Proposals arising from Task Forces and SIGS

2.1 Feedback from GA

2.2 Task Force Work Item and SIG KPI review


Valter Nordh will give a brief update on feedback from the last GA meeting.

Members will be invited to assess the current Task Forces and Special Interest Groups against the criteria developed at the last meeting and RECOMMEND next actions for each group. 


Task Force Work Items

Reviewing or Exiting a GCP Activity

10:30 - 11:00BREAK

10.30 - 11:30

Item 2: Proposals arising from Task Forces and SIGS (cont)

2.2 Task Force and SIG KPI review (cont)

2.3 TF-SMD

2.4 TF-CSIRT Futures


Members will receive a brief update on TF-CSIRT futures and plans to review different models for TF-CSIRT.

TF-MSD Proposed Terms of Reference
11:30 - 12:00Item 3: Feedback from NREN User Satisfaction Survey

Nathalie McKenzie

Members will receive an overview of the NREN User Satisfaction Survey with a particular focus on Community Programme related ideas. 


12:00 - 12:30

Item 4: Proposals arising regarding Workshops and small projects

4.1 SIG-NOC Training Update

4.2 Building an NREN Training Community / Platform

Charlie van Genuchten

Irina Mikhailava

Members will receive a short update on the progress with SIG-NOC Training proposal since the last meeting on IPR and training materials.

Members are invited to DISCUSS proposals to create a community focus on training. 

12:30 - 13:30LUNCH

13:30 - 14:00

Item 5: Relevant Projects / Events / Initiatives

5.1 GÉANT Community Programme Comms Update

5.2 TNC Update

5.3 Next GA contribution

Members will be given a brief update on communication planning for the GÉANT Community Programme and plans for TNC. 

Members are invited to discuss issues that should be raised at the next General Assembly meeting in Trondheim.


Updated GÉANT web pages
14:00 - 14:20Item 6: Standardisation GroupsBrook Schofield

How does the community programme currently engage with standards bodies and do we need to do more?  (MEF, WiFi Alliance, OGF, TMF, WBA, IETF, RIPE, ISOC, OASIS etc.).

Do we need a standards body strategy?  Is this something for the project or the community?

14:20 - 15:00Item 7: Round Table Updates from GCC MembersAllOpportunity for the GCC members to talk about issues that they are currently engaged in, ideas that they have, things that might be bothering them, any other thoughts!Verbal Updates only
15:10 - 15:30

Item 8: Proposals for Next Meeting and AOB

8.1 AOB

8.2 Dates for 2018

Valter Nordh

The dates for the GCC for 2018 are 18th June 2018(VC),  23rd October 2018 (face-to-face in Amsterdam).

Verbal Updates only
