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AARC BPA version:

Use Cases

(TBC, screenshots will be available in December) 

User links x509 certificate with federated credentials

StepScreenshot (TBC)
User registers with the system using a federated account
Admin approves registration
User associates x509 user certificate with their account
User is granted roles/groups
User adds roles/groups to proxy certificate

User submits a physics job


StepScreenshot (TBC)
User registers with the system
Admin approves registration
User uploads SSH key
User requests token from command line
Token is provisioned transparently
User submits a physics job

This section should explain how this pilot works through use cases (at least 2).

Further information

AARC's specific role in this pilot is to coordinate the efforts, ensure that AARC recommendations are considered and to support the enhancement of EGI-Check-in. 

Use cases can be represented in the form of a table, where:
  • The title is the use case
  • Each line is a step
  • 2 columns available, first with text and description, second with a screenshot

(Here's a valid example LINK)

Further information

Last part contain a list of information, link or anything related to the pilot that was not mentioned in ahead seciton.