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- results of the community consultation


  • Consultation deadline extended to the end of this week

  • Findings so far:
    • some comments are on extending the current minimum LoA -- concerns if the minimum isn't any more minimum but becomes too burdensome to implement?
    • some comments are on annotating the specification
  • When the community consultation ends


  • on 17th Jan we will
    • place the document back to Google docs and start to make edits (track changes on)
    • cover each comments on the comments document
  •  We may need another community consultation?

- presentation at the GÉANT Symposium: Trust and Identity 1 - Users

  • Mini Plenary - AARC and GÉANT interworking 40 mins
    AAI Architectures - current and future Christos & Lukas
    Assurance - Mikael & Daniela
  • Round tables 40 mins
    Sirfti - security & fed ID transition from AARC to GÉANT (Chair TBC - ideally Hannah)
    Assurance - transition from AARC to GÉANT (Mikael/Daniela
    Training and outreach for federated identity - Irina
    VO Platform & Pilots - Van Dijks
    eduroam to end users - Stefan
  • 10 mins final wrap-up by chair
  • Daniela will ask if Hannah could chair the round table

- GN4P2GN4-2

  •  Task 1: eeduGAIN eduGAIN Incident Management development (handover of SIRTIFI); TL Daniela
  • Task 2: (Identity) Assurance Service TL
  • Lukas
  • Lukas 

- LoA and AARC2 grant proposal preparation

   * end of AARC1 we have differentiated LoA levels available
   * dissemination and engagement of LoA in AARC2, making sure it is deployed?

- next vc Wed 27 Jan at 11 CET