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The GTS topology consists of a tree with an openNSA node acting as Aggregator at the top of the tree, and client openNSA nodes doing the real work. The './onsa' script is used as client.

All openNSA nodes run in their own Docker container using a 'dud configuration, and can be  debugged debugged in Intellij.

A couple of conf/nrm files

The configuration of the Docker development environment mimics
the GTS configuration as closely as possible. Here are the
conf/nrm files of the two hosts that will be used in the examples.


With the Docker development environment up and running, which is using the GTS configuration
(conf) and .nrm files, the following should seems to be a valid first './onsa' command:

./onsa reserve -v -p main \
--source \

However, this gives as output:


Still no luck. This time the failure is caused by a limitation of the 'dud' backend used in the development environment (as opposed to the juniper backend used in production). In the 'nrm' files (see above) f for the GTS setup the 'label' fields are 'mpls', which causes the 'dud' backend problems because it only accepts VLAN label types. Just replace 'mpls:1-4000' with 'vlan:10-100' in all '.nrm' files, and you will get the following:

jan@thinkie:/data/opennsa$ ./onsa reserve -v -p main -s -d
nsa : {'main': ('', '')}
host :
bandwidth : 200
starttime : 2017-07-03 11:37:07.277463
endtime : 2017-07-03 11:41:07.277486
port : 7080
Requester URL:
Site starting on 7080
Received SOAP request. Action: "". Length: 1637
Connection created and held. Id GT-474514cd61 at
Source - Destination: <STP> - <STP>
Received SOAP request. Action: "". Length: 789
Reservation committed at
(TCP Port 7080 Closed)

Succes!!! (thanks Michal)

And now we can request information about our reservation (we got the ID from the output above, look carefully):

jan@thinkie:/data/opennsa$ ./onsa query -p main -c GT-474514cd61
Site starting on 7080
Query results:

Connection GT-474514cd61 (
Description Test Connection
States ReserveStart, Released, Created
Dataplane Active : False, Version: 0, Consistent False
Start-End 2017-07-03 11:37:07.277463 - 2017-07-03 11:41:07.277486
Path --
Bandwidth 200
Direction Bidirectional

(TCP Port 7080 Closed)

Take a look in the PostgreSQL databases of the containers, and you can examine the rows that have been added to the tables of opennsa-ams, opennsa-bra and opennsa-main.