- David/Evangelos/Tomáš: get and test plugin for graphs in FOD from GRNET
- Silvia/Nino: provide proposal about maulti-domain usage scenario for fastnetmon in wiki (e.g., at or below DDoS Detection/Mitigation WG File Area)
- DDoS Detection/Mitigation WG File Area) Silvia/Nino: if possible, provide some summary in wiki about Radware POC (e.g., at or below
- all: think about potential new candidate NOC mailing lists for DDoS survey extension (URL of survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeY0tVy43S7W4Z65s2j1O73IxBNuZwV6fSWWGZWOat3TXqWYw/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link)
- David: create new Foodle for DDoS D/M WG for next 4 weeks
- all interested in DDoS D/M WG: fill new foodle
- Linus/Magnus/David: internal presentation for CT use cases/service
- all: think about location and possibility to host F2F meeting
- all: Next regular T6 VC: 22.03.2017, 14:15-15:15 CE(S)T