- David: will continue to investigate FOD source code and also try to get new version running on local machine (along with all needed libraries/dependencies)
- Evangelos: install additional FOD test machine for testing new version separately
Evangelos: will discuss with superiors about common testing of commercial DDoS D/M solutions by GEANT and GARR (and maybe other NRENs)
- Anybody who likes: may distribute information/overview/diagrams about potential/proposed/planned/existing DDoS D/M approach/proof-of-concept/deployment scenario, commercial or not, to the mailing list (or to T6 wiki: DDoS Detection/Mitigation Infos and/or DDoS Detection/Mitigation Approaches/DeploymentScenarios )
- Evangelos: will send proposal for GEANT-specific questions in DDoS D/M survey
- David: Based on this David will propose potential further question concerning interest on FwaaS in DDoS D/M survey
- All: Fill foodle to find date(s) for potential F2F Kickoff Meeting
- David Schmitz clarify covering of expenses of potential F2F Kickoff-Meeting for non-task members (Silvia, Albert) with Jerry
- All: next regular task VC: Wed, 07.09.2016, 14:00-14:30 CEST