Versions Compared


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Applicable if DNS records maintenance is required (naming scheme and type of records)
(note 2) reachable from the rest of the nodes and management network

Indicate other specific-to-your-service resources requirements. Add as many columns as necessary, adding the sensible distinguisher for each group that will make it easier for later reference. 
Other resource requirementsFrontend
Load balancing serviceTBD: Homemade, using DNS?
HTTP caching serviceTBD: Varnish?
TLS termination service
TBD: hitch?
Tor onion serviceTor client
2 x Hardware Security Module  (HSM) (note 3)


(note 3) With support for deterministic ECDSA (NIST P-256) with HMAC-SHA256 and ed25519 (PureEdDSA).

Infrastructure hosting requirements

Indicate requirements for infrastructure hosting, scoping by the above indicated infrastructure elements, as necessary. 


Hosting requirements

All systems


 "lots of nines"

Backup (what, frequency, retention period)

 Configuration only (/etc), daily

Monitoring and alerting1

  • ICMP, TCP and HTTPS reachability
  • I/O performance
  • STH freshness (warning 1h, error 4h, critical 12h)
  • Cert submission (every 10 min)

Measuring and Reporting2


Log retention3


Security policy for access and usage4



1 At minimum network accessibility (outside of LAN) and hardware resource usage must be monitored. Indicate if some of this resources can be deemed critical so that adequate thresholds for alerting are implemented. Additional, indicate which specific applications uptime and operational health must be monitored and alerting implemented.

2Define what should be measured, how and with what period in order to deliver appropriate reporting relating to KPIs, usage, etc.  

3Define which logs should be kept in order to have debugging data and data in case of misuse of the service, and how long logs should be retained

4Define the policy for limiting accessing to the infrastructure piece and where it should be implemented (system level, network level etc.)

System and Application maintenance requirements

Indicate requirements for system and application maintenance, scoping by the indicated infrastructure elements, as necessary. 


System and Application Requirements

Applying to add_distinguisher

Applying to VM add_distinguisher

Operating system



Maintenance hours2  

Configuration management3



1 List the applications installed on a system, and add corresponding licenses where applicable.

Define window appropriate for regular maintenance. /give some recommendations

Applies for automatized configuration management. Describe system used.

Human resources requirements

Indicate requirements both in skills and manpower needed, for personnel needed for devops team (that maintains service specific applications) and for L2 support.

Human resources requirements






Recommended number of persons (considering backups)  