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12:45 UTC
14:45 CEST

Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (see  Connection Details)

13:00 UTC
15:00 CEST

Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement

13:10 UTC
15:10 CET

Membership Updates and Joining
    • 62 participant members / 5 members / 8 candidates
    • New Members (4)
      • Sri Lanka/LIAF (participating)
      • China/CARSI (participating)
      • Romania/RoEduNetID
      • Saudi Arabia (voting complete?)
    • Candidates Under Assessment (0)
    • New Candidates (0)
13:20 UTC
15:20 CEST

eduGAIN MDS Certificate Rollover

    • Update from the OT on Certificate Expiry (1 July 2019)
    • Suggested changes (short term)
    • Key Signing Ceremony (long term)
13:30 UTC
15:30 CEST

eduGAIN "raising the bar"

13:40 UTC
15:40 CEST

eduGAIN SG Chair

    • Announcement of the new SG Chair - 2019 - 2021.
    • eduGAIN Secretariat support
13:50 UTC
15:50 CEST

Future SG Meetings

  • Next meeting:
    • Tuesday 17th September 2019
    • Tuesday 10th December 2019
13:55 UTC
15:55 CEST

Any other business, Summary and Actions

14:00 UTC
16:00 CEST

Meeting Close
