Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Service view

  • GEANT proxy
    • Will use test instance to monitor
    • Will develop full chain test against this proxy
  • InAcademia
    • Would like multiple endpoints reported on
  • eduroam
    • Please re-use data from eduroam technical monitor site
  • eduGAIN
    • Report on eduGAIN metadata and supporting sites
    • DO NOT query eduGAIN metadata itself
  • eduTEAMS
    • Per T&I service dashboard required
    • No endpoints discussed yet


  • (MUST) Specifically branded to service in term of URL and use of logos and other branding (colour schemes?); CNAME possible per status page
  • (MUST) Publicly available top-level landing for a service-specific status page, redirecting from generic URL to specific page of the vendor (either a feature of to be procured service or perhaps a simple DNS based redirect), e.g. and
  • "Sub" services like e.g. edugain access check would be maybe visible as part of status.edugain, but not as separate pages???
  • (SHOULD) Multiple users
  • (SHOULD) Separation of duties (multiple users for separate monitors)
  • (COULD) 2FA access to the management portal

To be discussed

  • Compound states based on several sources and rules?
  • Filters? (example: Can be noisy; one test site used during the assessment phase would be working without error, and yet a number of the globally-distributed testing servers would report a problem with this test site. No pattern was found for this behaviour.)
  • Charts?
  • Long term history and trends?
  • Usage/load stats?
