Timing (CET) | Topic / Talk |
12:40-13:00 | Lobby: Preparation, come and meet the organisers over a cup of coffee and test your audio and video |
13:00-13:15 | Welcome and introduction Host: Gyöngyi Horváth (GÉANT)
13:15-14:15 | What is happening in the field? Host: Gyöngyi Horváth (GÉANT) Will institutions look to this area now for adapting their education delivery/pedagogy for a more personalised, efficient and effective T&L experience?
14:15-14:25 | Quick break with continued conversation in plenary room |
14:25-16:00 | Opportunities and challenges for NRENs Hosts: Gyöngyi Horváth (GÉANT) and Esther Wilkinson (Jisc) Look at this through a medium term lens - will institutions look to this area now for adapting their education delivery/pedagogy for a more personalised, efficient and effective T&L experience? What happens with the data? Where is it stored, how can it be accessed...etc.
Course reporsitory? EduTEAMS, eduOER
Up2U eduOER - Gyongyi?
16:00-16:05 | Really quick break with continued conversation in plenary room |
16:05-16:30 | eduIDStudent mobility
16:30-17:00 | Conclusion and next steps |