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Djangora responseDjangora solution
How is the project currently funded?  Do you receive money from individual organisations or from grants (e.g. GN3)

Djangora was designed to meet a specific set of requirements arising from the TCS Comodo contract, which did not provide an adequate solution for managing server certificates via federated access. 

TCS members do not specifically pay for usage or support for Dangora but the costs of the support contract are charged to the oveall TCS budget.
How do you intend to fund the project in the future?  Would you expect the Greenhouse to collect funds from organisations or other funding sources? Are there any barriers to this?Via TCS support contract.  Djangora meets a specific need and is unlikely to attract users outside of the TCS service or beyond the current TCS contract so would be shut down at the end of the contract period. Fund via TERENA TCS budget. 
Would you like the Greenhouse to pay individual developers or other staff for you?Yes, 1 member of stafff. Put in place a developer contract. 
Would you like the Greenhouse to pay other bills for you, e.g. hosting costs, promotional materials etc.Yes, for hosting requirements (see below)Charge to the TCS budget. 
What costs are currently associated with the project?

1 developer - up to 90 hours work per annum at a cost of 55 euros per hour.

License for github. 

Can be covered under existing project arrangements.
2.  LEGAL AGREEMENTSDjangora responseDjangora solution
Do you have any contracts or consortium agreement arrangements for people to pay money in to the project? Would you require something like this in the future, are there any specific requirements around this and would you be happy using a generic framework proposed by the Greenhouse?None in place.TCS members do not specifically pay for usage or support for Dangora but the costs of the support contract are charged to the oveall TCS budget.
Do you need the Greenhouse to manage contracts for staff such as developers?Yes, contractual arrangements with 1 developer required.TERENA has a contract with SUNET for a named staff member to work up to a set number of hours against an hourly rate. 
Do you need the Greenhouse to act as a home / signing authority for other purposes (e.g. domain registration, home address etc).No.N/A.
Would you like to run your project yourself but need support in getting advice for writing agreements and managing contracts? No.N/A.
What are the current licensing / IPR arrangements for the product?OSI MIT license. TERENA holds the IPR.  Maintain as is. 
