DATE ADDED | TOPIC | SOURCE OF IDEA | time required | LEADER | |
cloud services communications and adoption support Speakers will probably be Mandeep and myself. We are currently working on several efforts, including: - An enhanced cloud service catalogue, with fact sheets, use cases, etc. - A resource repository (Clouds Academy) with webinar recordings, tutorials, use cases, etc. - A set of materials and tools for NRENs, adaptable to their needs - A series of webinars on cloud topics - A delivery and adoption workshop targeted at NREN service management, marketing and communications staff We would like to present, and more important, get input on some of these efforts, to ensure they meet NREN needs.
CPR feedback included wish
| Lars F | Lars & Mandeep | |||
Emma Almroth (new participant) will give us an NREN update about SUNET, focusing on their new website and ‘personas’; | |||||
New GEANT website overview and how it will fit into an overall web presence?? | |||||
Niels Hersoug (General Manager GÉANT Cambridge, with portfolio covering our work area) will give a welcome talk and host overview (community feedback included request
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The new EC marcomms officer (Stephanie Matt) MAY possibly attend, and if she does, I have asked her to give us a presentation (TBC); | |||||
30th anniversary - although this was on the agenda at a previous meeting, we didn’t really get around to discussing it. There is now an outline plane that we (me and Melanie) would like to present for feedback and to see if NRENs can get involved; | |||||
Ana Afonso could be asked to give an NREN update about FCT|FCCN, if she didn’t do that too recently | |||||
Damian Niemir has registered so we could ask him to do a video-work-item workshop perhaps. | |||||
Do we want an update about the case study portal idea that Jane Gifford discussed with us in Porto? | |||||
Host organisations’ overview of Comms – MP, LD | |||||
GN4-1 specific - Overview of the project and structure, key achievements to date and next 6 months - New services: Vidyo (Video conferencing system), Moonshot - Clouds updates (see Lars's text above) - Eduroam workshop – “To the Campus and Beyond” – revising and devising messages and tools for use by NRENs, Federations and Campus
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News/PeaR – to be discussed | |||||
Mark talk about Network Operations and the NOC? - VISIT TO NOC POSSIBLE SO COULD DO IT THEN?? | |||||
- User outreach and research project coordination to deliver a solution – John Chevers | |||||
- Including the case for NRENs – overview of the web resource | |||||
- International networking project overview from Helga or Manuella – and the comms challenges here | |||||
Lightning talks View persons present in 10 minutes something on which they are proud, something that was successful or something not successful. | |||||
Challenges meet and greet Before the meeting everyone can send a challenge they experience. During the meeting they explain very short the challenge they experience and during an hour these people sit somewhere in the room in the rest is going from person to person to give input, solutions or just share information | |||||
GEANT projects One of the TF-CPR members who participate in a GEANT project presents what going on, e.g.: - Cloud – Lars (already done) - Campus best practices – Maria | |||||
Subjects I already heard
- Blog in the field -> VC Jane ? - Portfoliomanagement - Lonneke | |||||
update on
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opportunity to see NREN materials incl videos, print materials etc. produced in past period e.g. since start of year? | |||||
How best to respond to feedback wishing to hear more about
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Marketing automation tools that could be recommended | |||||
Coffee break questions: where you could ask for the opinion, advice or views on a - for you - current subject. A room for discussing things that are not in other cases on the agenda - small and big things, like: We are redesigning our PowerPoint template. What are your experiences? Use of pictures? How to get colleagues to use it without to many creative changes. We are launching a new website at our conference, - do you have any ideas for this? general item on the agenda, where each NREN shares their recent achievements, developments or projects in the fields of Communications/PR/Marketing. This doesn't have to be presentations but can be done orally in just a couple of minutes by each NREN. The idea is to get an overview of what everyone is up to so I can catch-up with somebody later, if there is something of interest. | |||||
ACOnet celebrated 25 years of Internet in Austria in June with a great event and my last project at ACOnet is a complete redesign of our homepage. It should be finished by end of October. These topics are connected in a way but I don’t know if they are interesting and fit in the agenda. Christine could give a short overview via VC. |