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09:00-12:00 - Continue breakout groups but you could swap to another one if you’re working in multiple areas.



eduGAIN Long Term


Chair - Maarten Kremers

09:00 - 09:20 Overview OIDCfed work
09:20 - 10:45 Discussion - What is the impact from this work (OIDCfed) on eduGAIN
What should be the outcome on this work for eduGAIN. Same outcome as for SAML (interfederation) or other options, as it might become a game changer.

10:45 - 11:00 Coffeebreak

11:00 - 11:15 Overview eduKEEP work (User Centric federation)
11:15 - 12:00 Discussion - What shoud be the outcome of the eduKEEP work for eduGAIN
How does it fit and should merge in the eduGAIN service: Best practices, hannds-on support for NRENs, changes in policies ?
12:00 - 12:15 Wrap-up - Summary & action-items   

eduroam meets Campus IdP

Chair - Stefan Winter

How can/should eduroam 'aaS' integrate with FaaS and Campus IdP


Chair - Niels van Dijk

  • Discussion [all]: 30 min eduTEAMS Roadmap (Presentation Mandeep)
  • Group 1: Deployment [Simone, Kristof, Niels, Mandeep, Mihaly]: Hands-on deployment work
  • Group 2 [Slavek with help from Niels if needed]: Write configuration for database master/slave
  • Group 3 [every body else]: eduTEAMS Website, Umbrella pilot

Further topics to discuss in case deployment is finished.

  • Identity Hub and Member Registration Service Deployment Planning
    • Blockers and their mitigation
    • Timelines
  • Discussion: eduTEAMS Website
  • Identity Hub: LoA Integration
  • Wrap-up


Umbrella meeting: Room "Cristallina" (2. floor) reserved from 13.00 - 15.00

3rd Floor Office
