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  • get synced and issues resolved to keep us on track


  • quick round-table for relevant updates, 2min max each

Discussion items

  • Check T7 Work Items for volunteering status and progress
    • priority initially on WI 1 (the whitepaper)
  • Status update on the individual WI calls 
    • brainstorm on topics to cover
    • effort needs and commitments
  • Status update on physical meeting (tentatively set to 11.-12.4.2024 noon to noon)
    • volunteering status of potential hosts: Marcus for Karlsruhe
    • CG to send out an invitation (implicitly grant permission)
  • Status on "lightning talk" at TNC24

Upcoming events:

  • TIIME Unconference, 31st Jan - 1st Feb 2024, Copenhagen DK
  • EC GN5-1 project review: 25 March 2024, rehearsal: 6 February 2024
    • Maarten and Marina will present, Task leaders are invited to attend (one slide T7)
  • TNC24, 10-14 June 2024, Rennes FR


Action items

'24 24

Prepare a draft TOC for the report and check for project dependencies

Christoph (check with Marina)



apply for items in the list of activities, include your estimated efforts you're willing to contribute → will be done in separate per WI calls in the weeks after 22nd Jan

allend of Jan

Issue call for a physical T7 meeting in April/ early May

Christophend of Jan

propose lightning talk on "the whitepaper" or to cover the "new kid on the block"

any one from our groupcalendar of TNC (early Feb?)open


  • Review existing services to identify opportunities and challenges to adopt the distributed technologies paradigm. Grab existing results as a start
  • Gather previous work done by the NRENs/universities on using SSI technologies, as well as other sectors. Crowd-source among ourselves