- eIDs: They are already available in some member states, but will become so in all member states and also become much more accessible, also in cross-border scenarios
- This makes onboarding processes in our community much easier
- but But the overall impact is rather limited, as the eIDs usually cannot generally be used for authentication outside of e-government services
- The eID ecosystem: consisting of wallets, credentials and , attestations and a supporting trust framework service provider providers can link into
- The promises of the eID ecosystem are covering a fair part of what our identity interfederations deliver to us already , but some promises go beyondor ones we:
- less dependencies on intermediaries, better data protection, improved self-sovereignty, and most importantly: cross-sectorial use
- the The cross-sectorial use may become a real game changer: we
- We are well
- organised to take governance decisions as a community for the
- national, regional and global research and education community. Consultation and standardisation structures are in place and working well. We have an established sector governance.
- Next to demonstrably working sector governance we need also recognition beyond our own sector to support cross-sectorial use cases. The following elements are helpful:
- Following industry and governmental standards and governance structures
- Trust and assurance proofs, like accreditations and audit reports
- Anchoring of our governance structure in our highest bodies
- The promises of the eID ecosystem are covering a fair part of what our identity interfederations deliver to us already , but some promises go beyondor ones we:
- Cost and efficiency:
- CrossExtending relevance and reach with stronger cross-sectorial scope:
- Leveraging the experience of two decades "interfederation":