- European Learning Model https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/european-commission-empl/European-Learning-Model/blob/master/rdf/ap/edc/documentation/EDC-generic-no-cv.html#evidence
- Extensive (
extremely overly complicated) model to define all kinds of learning: over 480 properties to capture and validate all types of learning - Based on
- Verifiable Credentials: https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/
- https://www.imsglobal.org/sites/default/files/Badges/OBv2p0Final
- json-ld specification: https://openbadgespec.org/v2/context.json
- Less complex than ELM
- Focussed on learning, attesting an achievement
- Signed (is it a JWT?)
- Typical quote:
- "The Assertion issuer is authorized to award Assertions of the declared BadgeClass (typically by being the issuer of the BadgeClass.)"
"Additional checks may ensure that: The issuer Profile awarding the Assertion is trusted to have declared accurate information about its identity (typically via Endorsement)."
- => freely translated by Marcus: "We do not have a trust model yet"
Trust Modelling
- Nice read: https://medium.com/@leifj/trust-does-not-scale-94bab5b67f5c
- eduGAIN
- OID-Fed
- ToIP
- Apparently not more than a whitepaper
- Intermediaries (as in Federated Identities) are bad: "Trust Gap" from scaling up
- Intermediaries (as in DI) are good
- Apparently not more than a whitepaper
- New concept: Holder Binding