Versions Compared


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  • group_vars/<group_name>/vars: this is the main configuration file of the relevant roles. It makes the secret variables available without the vault_ prefix, in order to facilitate debugging.
  • group_vars/<group_name>/vault: this file should be encrypted by ansible-vault, it contains all secrets in variables starting with vault_*
  • certs/ directory: you should keep X.509 keys and certificates there. The keys should be encrypted by ansible-vault. It is recommended to make the files using the following name structure:


  • housekeeping: when set to true, it doesn't run any of the tasks, only the handlers. It can be useful if the playbook has been aborted by some oversight and the handlers need to be run to make the system consistent.
  • wipe_vopaas_db: reset the exportscript's database to empty. This is reconstructed automatically on the next exportscript run.
  • wipe_comanage_db: drop all COmanage data (including user and organizational data) and start with an empty database.
  • comanage_db_load: drop all active COmanage data and reload them from an existing SQL dump. This requires the following (string) parameter to be also set:
  • comanage_db_importfile: path to a file on the local machine (that executes the playbook) that contains the SQL dump of the COmanage db.
