The incubator process within the Network Development Work Package (WP6) of the GN5-1 2 project provides a mechanism to include new areas of work throughout the duration of the project in an agile way. The process aims to be simple and transparent, and to ensure that the proposed work will be of clear value to the community.
- A proposal can be submitted at any time during the project by any member of the community.
- Proposed topics should be within the scope of the GN5-1 2 WP6 objectives.
- A proposal must be supported by at least three GÉANT project partners. By providing support, organisations confirm that they are willing to use the project results.
- A proposed project needs to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Resource- and Time-bound).
NETDEV Incubator is run in three phases: Project Proposal, Focus GroupsGroup, Incubator Project Execution.

Phase 1: Project Proposal
- If a proposal is retired (e.g. if withdrawwithdrawn, or without sufficient support), the WP6 team will create a short closure report, containing the information outlined in Template 2
- Retired proposal proposals will not be deleted so that they could be reactivated and proposed again under the same conditions.
The incubator project (subtask) leader is accountable for delivering the incubator project results, within the specified timeline and resources.
The incubator project leader also has to make sure that the project work results are publicly reported (in a white paper, infoshare, training material, etc.).
The Task leader of the Task where the incubator project is assigned (hosting Task) is responsible for ensuring that project outputs and objectives are delivered and met, and that they are in accordance with WP6 Description of Work.
The NETDEV incubator coordinator in Task 4 0 is responsible for supervising the timeline and budget consumption, and if needed will escalate towards the incubator project leader, leaders of Task 4 0 and the hosting Task, and Work Package leaders.
Depending on the results, interest from the community and available budget, the work might continue, funded or not funded by the GN5-1 2 project, or can be closed.
Template 1: NETDEV Incubator Project Proposal - Name and Organisation of the person that is submitting the proposal.
- Title - Name of the proposal that describes what is being proposed.
- Rationale - Describing why this work is important, which problem it solves.
- Output - Tangible and intangible outputs that will be produced as a result of this proposal. The output should be Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Resource- and Time-bound (SMART).
- Users - Who are the users that would use the results of this work.
- Value - Describe the value that the proposal will provide to the users.
- Team - Organisations and possibly names of people that will form the team to work on the proposal.
- Time - Expected duration of this project.
- Resources - Which resources and budget are needed for this project:
- Manpower (per each individual that would participate in the team).
- Equipment (needed/existing equipment, which equipment should be bought).
- Travel budget.
- Other (please specify).
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - As a proposer I declare that my submission is not infringing any IP rights of others.
- Does any code or previous work exist that is a subject of an existing IPR? Yes / No
- Information about gathering and processing any personal data
- Will you be processing any personal data for this project? Yes / No
- If Yes:
- Which data are you processing, how, and for what purposes?
- Do you have a privacy notice for it? If yes - please provide it.
- Contribution to an existing GÉANT project service - Will it create or contribute to an existing GÉANT project service? If yes, please specify which one.
- Organisations supporting the proposal - At least three organisations need to support this proposal. The following needs to be filled in for each of organisation:
- Your Name
- Your Organisation
- Will you implement the work results in your own organisation? Yes/No
- How much of an FTE will your organisation dedicate to work on this project?
- Would you work on this proposal even if not being paid from the GN5-1 2 project? Yes/No
Template 2: Closure Report - Title of the project proposal
- Name and the organisation of the proposer
- Date of the proposal submission to netdev-incubator@lists.geant.org
- Link to the original proposal
- Activities performed by WP6 to promote the proposal
- List of organisations that supported the proposal
- Reason for retiring the proposal.
Template 3: NETDEV Focus Group Proposal for the Incubator Project - Name, NREN - Name and Organisation of the person that is submitting the proposal.
- Title - Name of the proposal that describes what is being proposed.
- Rationale - Describing why this work is important, which problem it solves.
- Output and Outcome - Tangible and intangible outputs that will be produced as a result of this proposal. The output should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Resource- and Time-bound (SMART).
- Users - Who are the users that would use the results of this work.
- Value - Describe the value that the proposal will provide to the users, and how it differs from other solutions that might exist in the community or in the market.
- Team - For each individual nominated to participate in this project provide the following information:
- Name
- Organisation
- E-mail address
- Manpower available to work on the project
- Manpower to be funded by the GN5-1 2 WP6
- Support from their organisation Yes/No
- Role and job in the team
- Time - Expected duration of this project
- Resources - Total resources and budget needed for this project:
- Manpower
- Equipment (needed/existing equipment, which equipment should be bought)
- Travel budget
- Other (please specify).
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - As a proposer I declare that my submission is not infringing any IP rights of others.
- Does any code or previous work exist that is a subject of an existing IPR? Yes / No
- Information about gathering and processing any personal data
- Will you be processing any personal data for this project? Yes / No
- If Yes:
- Which data are you processing, how, and for what purposes?
- Do you have a privacy notice for it? If yes - please provide it.
- Contribution to an existing GÉANT project service - Will it create or contribute to an existing GÉANT project service? If yes, please specify which.
- Organisations supporting the proposal - List organisations and contact persons that would like to use the project outputs. At least 3 organisations should support the proposal.