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| Asier Atutxa Imatz (EHU), David Franco (EHU), "RARE/FreeRTR Use Case: Open-Source Implementation of 5G User Plane Function (UPF)", (pdf, Video)
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| Maria Isabel Gandia (CSUC/RedIRIS), "Introduction to the NETDEV Incubator and the Network eAcademy", (pdf, Video) - Dom Mayerl (GÉANT), "Importance of the AI Chatbot for the GÉANT eAcademy", (pdf, Video)
- Maciej Łabędzki (PSNC), Marcin Wolski (PSNC), "Inside the AI Chatbot: technology solution and architecture", (pdf, Video)
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| Maria Isabel Gandia (CSUC/RedIRIS), "Introduction: The Network eAcademy and Network Automation", (pdf, Video) - Susanne Naegele-Jackson (FAU/DFN), "Quantum Tech and OTFN", (pdf, Video)
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- JRES 2024, December 10-13, 2024 / Rennes, France
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| - Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo (CSUC), "More Network Automation Tapas: From Automation to Autonomous Networks with AI", (pdf)
- Ljubomir Hrboka (CARNET), Krešimir Šodan (CARNET), "Anomaly Detection in perfSONAR data", (pdf)
- Sonja Filiposka (UKIM), "On the Automation and Orchestration Journey: Lessons Learnt", (pdf)
- Ivana Golub (PSNC), "Non-data network services in the GÉANT project", (pdf)
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- GRNOG 17, December 06, 2024 / Athens, Greece
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- SC24, November 21, 2024 / Atlanta, USA
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| Piotr Rydlichowski, Mateusz Slysz, Szymon Trocha, Ivana Golub (PSNC), "Hybrid CPU, GPU, QPU infrastructure for hybrid quantum-classical computing use cases development with secure QKD/PQC links", (pdf)
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- SIG-NOC 21, November 14, 2024 / Berlin, DFN, Germany
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| Evangelia Athanasaki (GRNET), "Deploying HellasQCI, the National Quantum Communication Infrastructure of Greece, within the EuroQCI Initiative", (pdf) - Mihai Carabas (UPB, Romania), "Current Status of RoNaQCI Project", (pdf)
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- TNC24, June 10-12, 2024 / Rennes, France
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| Ivana Golub (PSNC), "GNA-G Side Meeting", (pdf) - Sonja Filiposka (UKIM), "Service Provisioning Pilot in the PIONIER network", (Video) GNA-G Side Meeting
- Lukasz Lopatowski (PSNC) and Vojdan Kjorveziroski (UKIM), "Orchestrated Deployment of Virtual Labs for Education with NMaaS", (pdf)
- Nikos Kostopoulos (NTUA/GRNET), "DDoS Attack Mitigation with Firewall on Demand (FoD) and RARE", (Video)
- Sonja Filiposka (UKIM), "Orchestrating Smooth Operations - The case of GP4L", (pdf)
- Asier Atutxa Imatz, David Franco Veiga (UPV/EHU), "
Towards affordable high-performance 5G networks: a production-ready UPF based on RARE", (pdf)
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| Maria Isabel Gandia (CSUC/RedIRIS), "Tendencias en herramientas de monitorización de redes y modelo de madurez en automatización, orquestación y virtualización", (pdf)
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| Sonja Filiposka, Roman Łapacz, "Orchestrate day-to-day operations based on a single source of truth", (pdf) - Maria Isabel Gandia (CSUC/RedIRIS), "SIG-NOC Tools Survey Results", (pdf)
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| Aleksandra Dedinec (UKIM/MARNET), Maria Isabel Gandia (CSUC/RedIRIS), "OAV Architecture Workshop", (pdf,) - Aleksandra Dedinec (UKIM/MARNET), Maria Isabel Gandia (CSUC/RedIRIS), "Architecture mapping workshop - hands-on", (pdf)
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- 31st STF, April 17-18, 2024 / Brussels, Belgium
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| Ivana Golub (PSNC), Maria Isabel Gandía (CSUC/RedIRIS), "Network Development in the GÉANT Project", (pdf)
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| Josef Vojtech (CESNET), "Planning Country-wide WR Infrastructure", (pdf) Raimena Veisllary (SIKT) "PTP Experience in SIKT", (pdf) - Eoin Kenny (HEAnet), "HEAnet's Experience of PTP and Future Plans", (pdf)
- Fabian Mauchle (SWITCH), "PTP over Transponder Links", (pdf)
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| Donal Cunningham (HEANet), "NETDEV Incubator", (pdf) Guy Roberts (GÉANT) "Net Dev Incubator. Lessons from the T/F Incubator", (pdf)
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| Vojdan Kjorveziroski, UKIM/MARNET, "University Virtual Labs on NMaaS. Lightning Talks", (pdf) Pavle Vuletić, UoB, "Network Developments Update", (pdf) Ivana Golub, PSNC, "Network Infrastructure and Services Roadmap", (pdf)
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| - Guy Roberts, GEANT, "Time Frequency incubator update", (pdf)
- Fabio Farina, GARR, "TimeMap update", (pdf)
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| - Frederic LOUI, RENATER, "Relying on RARE for DDoS Attack Protection", (pdf)
- David Schmitz, LRZ, "Automated Demonstration of DDoS Mitigation with FoD and Freertr using Docker Compose or Containerlab", (pdf)
- Nikos Kostopoulos, NTUA/GRNET, "Walkthrough of NeMo Integration with RARE for DDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation", (pdf/video)
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| - Vojdan Kjorveziroski, Łukasz Łopatowski, "NMaaS Virtual Labs for Education", (pdf/video)
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| - Dónal Cunningham, "NETDEV Incubator", (pdf)
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- RIPE, November 14, 2023 / Online
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| - Ivana Golub, "GÉANT Network eAcademy", (pdf)
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| - Maria Isabel Gandia, "Network Development in the GÉANT Project", (pdf)
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- 30th STF, November 7, 2023 / Paphos, Cyprus
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| - Ivana Golub & Szymon Trocha, "Network Development in the GÉANT Project", (pdf)
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- HRNOG, October 19, 2023 / Zagreb, Croatia
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| - Ivana Golub, "Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation Architectures", (pdf)
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- NANOG 89, October 18, 2023 / San Diego, CA, USA
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| - Nikos Kostopoulos , "Wi-Fi Network Monitoring with GÉANT WiFiMon", (pdf)
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| - Ivana Golub, "GÉANT NETDEV Services for Large-Scale Data-Intensive Science Facilities", (pdf)
- Ivana Golub, "Global P4 Lab", (pdf)
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| - Elisantila Gaci, "Exploring Virtualisation and Monitoring Opportunities in Networking" , (pdf)
- Rezi Tchabashvili, "WiFiMon Installation with Ansible Playbook" , (pdf)
- Nikos Kostopoulos, "WiFiMon ASNET-AM Pilot", (pdf)
- Jovana Vuleta, "NMaaS", (pdf)
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| - Nikos Kostopoulos, "Wi-Fi Network Monitoring with GÉANT WiFiMon" , September 21-22, 2023, (pdf)
- Jovana Vuleta Radoičić, "NMaaS by GÉANT", September 21-22, 2023, (pdf)
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| - Lætitia Delvaux, "perfSONAR in GÉANT in 2023" , September 18-22, 2023, (pdf)
- Lukasz Lopatowski, Vojdan Kjorveziroski: "Deployment of Virtual Labs with NMaaS", September 18-22, 2023, (pdf)
- Frederic Loui and Sonja Filiposka, "GP4L in GN 5-1", September 18-22, 2023, (pdf)
- Maria Isabel Gandia, "Network Automation Tapas", September 19, 2023, (pdf)
- Maria Isabel Gandia, "Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation Maturity Model", September 20, 2023, (pdf)
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| - Maria Isabel Gandia, "Network eAcademy", September 7, 2023, (pdf)
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| - Frederic LOUI (RENATER), "GP4L updates and use case" , August 21 - 25, 2023, (pdf)
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| - Iacovos Ioannou (CYNet), "Version control: Github" , Network eAcademy, July 12, 2023, (video)
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| - Aleksandra Dedinec (MARNet), "Protocols: RESTCONF" , Network eAcademy, July 6, 2023, (video)
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| - Ivana Golub (PSNC), "GNA-G" , 29th STF, June 21, 2023, (pdf)
- Pavle Vuletić (UoB/AMRES), Katarina Simonović (AMRES), Andrijana Todosijević (AMRES), 29th STF, June 21, 2023, (pdf)
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| - Josef Vojtech (CESNET), "QKD, Timing and Fibre Sensing in GÉANT project", Science and Technology (S&T) Quantum Workshop, 15 June 2023, (pdf)
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| - Kostas Stamos (GRNet), "Introduction to Data Analytics: Elasticsearch", 15 June 2023, (video)
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| - Maria Isabel Gandia (CSUC/RedIRIS), "From Sitting to Energising: Where do you want to be?", TNC23, 8 June 2023 (pdf)
- Elisantila Gaci (RASH), "WiFiMon Probes for Digital Generations", TNC23, 7 June 2023 (pdf)
- Ilona Podliashanyk (Sikt), "Standing on the shoulders of Argus", TNC23, 6 June 2023 (pdf)
- Maria Isabel Gandia (CSUC/RedIRIS) on behalf of Ivana Golub (PSNC), "Network Development in the GÉANT Project", TNC23, 6 June 2023 (pdf)
- Frederic LOUI (RENATER), "GP4L", TNC23, 6 June 2023 (pdf)
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| - Claudio Allocchio, Fabio Farina (GARR), "Monitoring the Hidden: GEANT TimeMap Jitter and Latency Monitoring Service", RIPE #86, 26 may 2023 (pdf) (video)
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| Sonja Filiposka (UKIM), Roman Łapacz (PSNC), "SPA Update", Network Technologies Workshop, 23 may 2023 (pdf) Łukasz Łopatowski (PSNC), Vojdan Kjorveziroski (UKIM), "NMaaS Update", Network Technologies Workshop, 23 may 2023 (pdf) Frederic LOUI, "GP4L", Network Technologies Workshop, 23 may 2023 (pdf)
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| - Krzysztof Turza (PSNC), "Time transfer calibration and measurement data exchange in multi-domain fiber optic networks", IEEE IFCS-EFTF 2023, 18th May 2023 (pdf)
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| Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo (CSUS/RedIRIS), "SIG-NOC Tools Survey 2023", 18th SIG-NOC, 17th May 2023 (pdf) Lætitia Delvaux (PSNC), "perfSONAR 5.0", 18th SIG-NOC, 17th May 2023 (pdf) Vidar Faltinsen (Sikt), "Argus alarm aggregation tool", 18th SIG-NOC, 16 May 2023 (pdf)
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| - Maria Isabel Gandia Carriedo, (CSUS/RedIRIS) and Ivana Golub (PSNC), "Orchestrating Service Automation", Internet2 Community Exchange, 8-11 May 2023 (pdf)
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| Krzysztof Turza, PSNC, «Optical Time and Frequency Networks», Network Technologies Workshop - GÉANT Infoshare, April 26, 2023, (pdf) Piotr Rydlichowski, PSNC, «Quantum Technology», Network Technologies Workshop - GÉANT Infoshare, April 26, 2023, (pdf) Simon Leinen, SWITCH, «Router for Academia, Research and Education», Network Technologies Workshop - GÉANT Infoshare, April 26, 2023, (pdf)
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| Susanne Naegele-Jackson (FAU), Piotr Rydlichowski (PSNC), "Celebrating the World Quantum Day", GÉANT Infoshare, April 14, 2023, (pdf) - Piotr Rydlichowski (PSNC), "EuroQCI and EuroQCS activities - path toward unified quantum communication and computing research infrastructures", GÉANT Infoshare, April 14, 2023, (pdf)
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| - Eldis Mujarić, "Network eAcademy",RIPE SEE 11, April 4, 2023, (pdf)
- Roman Łapacz, "Automation and Orchestration in the Modern Network Service Management Platform - RIPE SEE 11, April 4, 2023, (pdf)
- Ivana Golub , "Networking the Networkers", RIPE SEE 11, April 4, 2023, (pdf)
- Claudio Allocchio (GARR), "Monitoring the Hidden: GEANT TimeMap Jitter and Latency Monitoring Service", RIPE SEE 11, April 4, 2023, (pdf)
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| - Laetitia Delvaux, Szymon Trocha - GÉANT Infoshare - Preparing for the perfSONAR 5.0 release - March 31, 2023 (pdf)
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| - Ivana Golub, Pavle Vuletić - GÉANT Infoshare - NETDEV Incubator - March 29, 2023 (pdf)
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- SIKT Infoshare - March 27, 2023
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| - Krzysztof Turza, T/F distribution in fiber optics and the European initiatives, SIKT Infoshare - March 27, 2023 (pdf)
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| - Pavle Vuletić, Network Development GN5-WP6, 28th Service and Technology Forum - March 1-2, 2023 (pdf)
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| - Krzysztof Turza, Josef Vojtech - Monitoring and management of T&F distribution - February 17, 2023 (pdf)
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| - Josef Vojtech, Optical Time & Frequency Activities in the GÉANT Project (Past & Future), Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting, January 28, 2023 (pdf)