Based on findings from AARC and REFEDS, pilot and implement the recommendations on the Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity (SIRTFI) in the eduGAIN operational context.
1.4 | eduGAIN Incident Management |
platform integration Comments |
1.4.1 | Design Phase | | | | |
Identify impact on eduGAIN central infrastructure e.g. EC monitoring reqs, audit reqs.Requirements Gathering: eduGAIN central role | | M1 | T0 |
Brook | Delayed: see wiki page for analysis. |
Prepare for adoption of Sirtfi by Good eduGAIN Citizens: Sirtfi in eduGAIN | | M12 | | Provide provisional suggestions first then use surfnet & switch pilots to provide final. Delayed due to issues finalising the SAML Profile. |
| Update eduGAIN CBA | | | T0 |
Brook Not |
| Design Tooling | | M18 | | Check federation experience first |
1.4.2 | Pilot | | M1-M18 | | We may want to split piloting central support and NREN takeup |
| Support takeup by NRENs | | Ongoing | | |
| M9.4 SIRTFI Pilot Report | EC Milestone | M20 | | |
1.4.3 | Transition to production | | M18-M20 | | Need to define what production means for this since implementation is not our scope |
Current Status