- Sclifos Constantin
- alexandru cacean
- Jule Ziegler
- Maarten Kremers
- Janne Lauros
- Wolfgang Pempe
* Submission proposal for TNC19, three main presentations:
* Chris Philips on the many R&E OIDC initiatives and WGs;
* Roland Hedberg on the OpenID Connect Federation standard;
* Davide Vaghetti on the OpenID Connect Federation tools;
* Shibboleth OIDC Extension:
* the latest release became a GN4-2 JRA3T3 milestone: congrats Janne and Henri!
* add a development roadmap that includes the OIDC Federation support
* warn the new "owner" (GN4-3 WP5 Task2 leader Niels Van Djik) of the development process about the roadmap.
* Comments and feedback on the new OIDC Federations draft (0.6)
* Mischa's comments are very much welcom from Roland
* We've decided to tag the comments that should become full issues onm github.
* Might be good to have a "How to contribute" section somewhere in the repo.
* Welcome to Wolfgang that will substitute Steffen for the rest of the project.