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Time: 10:00-12:00 CET (2h)

Moderators: Jakob Tendel, Jan Meijer

Other facilitators (breakouts, notes): ...

Attendees: CSDMs, Above-the-net Strategy group members, CTOs (GA)

Moderators: Jakob Tendel, Maria Ristkok, Jan Meijer, Dave Heyns, Eva Nestorovska

Summary of the Workshop Outcomes


  • Review 2023 roadmap topics and how they have been implemented.
  • Identify areas where roadmap items need further progress,  outside of the GN5-2 plan.

Maximise discussion time, to cover the topics within the GN5-2 plan but also those not included, such as education and AI (presentations 30 min vs discussions 90 min)

Invitation Statement

Following the successful series of community-led CTO-level workshops held in 2021-2023, the 2024 "Above-the-Net Roadmap Update Session“ aims aimed for a brief interactive review of the roadmap to find any gaps in implementation or changed priorities. In addition, we seek community input for forward-looking topics around sustaining community service-development as well as aligning development inside the GÉANT context with efforts in the wider EOSC ecosystem.


2023 topics taken up in GN5-2:


  • AI (role of NRENs in AI, AI in education, topics)
  • Education support (Interoperability in HE, handling data, mobility & identity).
  • Research data.


TimeDurationTopicPresenter, facilitator
10:055 minWelcome & introJakob+x
10:1010 minSummary of 2023 CTO workshop discussion;
Current roadmap and state of implementation
10:205 minIntroduction to breakoutsJan
10:255 minLandscape / bigger picture (outside GÉANT & project, changes, etc)Klaas
10:3020 minDiscussion I (breakout)Facilitators
10:5520 minDiscussion II (breakout)Facilitators
11:1520 minDiscussion III (breakout)Facilitators
11:3520 min

Breakout outcomes, (time/place for discussion?)

breakout moderators summarise
11:555  minWrap-upJakob+x


Roadmap gaps

 Facilitator questions

  • What are your NREN's current priorities and any new topics for Above-the-net activities since the 2023 CTO workshop?

Helping Helping questions:

  • Have there been any changes in NREN priorities for Above-the-net activities since the 2023 CTO workshop?
  • Which activities are now prioritised based on your NREN’s interest and capabilities?
  • Are there any new, important topics that we haven’t yet covered?

Alignment of services with EOSC

Facilitator questions

  • (NRENs in EOSC): How can your NREN best collaborate with EOSC to maximise impact, avoid duplication, and share expertise, like in cloud sovereignty?
  • (NRENs not in EOSC): What collaborative topics can your NREN contribute across NRENs, and where can you add the most value?

Helping Helping questions:

  • Which topics are collaborative across NRENs or with EOSC?
  • Several GÉANT member NRENs are active in service development also in EOSC context. How can we maximise benefits from NREN-EOSC collaborations and avoid duplication?
  • Where can NRENs add the most value?
  • How can our cloud sovereignty experience inform current discussions, such as on AI?

Sustainment of community developments


Facilitator questions

  • How can community service operations be effectively funded and governed to support new developments and collaboration across NRENs (including GN5 projects)?

Helping Helping questions:

  • Should community service operations be funded separately from projects to allow more resources for new developments?
  • What types of cost-sharing and governance can work for the community? 
  • How can GÉANT/GN5 support central services for community projects? 
  • What are the pros and cons of sharing services across NRENs vs developing and operating them collectively?

Participant homework description

Preliminary Agenda


Breakout outcomes, (time/place for discussion?)
