This page will contain the activity log of the pyFF+ experiments and endeavours.
Table of Contents |
Memory profiling
This is the bare import and code usage of using heapy to print heap information while running python code.
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import xml.sax class XML(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): self.current = etree.Element("root") self.nsmap = { 'xml': ''} self.buffer = '' def startElement(self, name, attrs): attributes = {} for key, value in attrs.items(): key = key.split(':') if len(key) == 2 and: if key[0] == 'xmlns': self.nsmap[key[-1]] = value else: attributes[f"{{{ self.nsmap.get(key[0], key[0]) }}}{ key[-1] }"] = value elif value: attributes[key[-1]] = value name = name.split(':') if len(name) == 2: name = f"{{{ self.nsmap.get(name[0], name[0]) }}}{ name[-1] }" else: name = name[-1] self.current = etree.SubElement(self.current, name, attributes, nsmap=self.nsmap) def endElement(self, name): self.current.text = self.buffer self.current.tail = "\n" self.current = self.current.getparent() self.buffer = '' def characters(self, data): d = data.strip() if d: self.current.textbuffer += d def parse_xml(io, base_url=None): parser = xml.sax.make_parser() handler = XML() parser.setContentHandler(handler) parser.parse(io) return etree.ElementTree(handler.current[0]) |
Long-run test reveals comparable memory usage as gunicorn, but there seem to be more knobs to play with. TBC.
One of the things we can do against boundless growth of uwsgi is the use of --reload-on-rss <limit>, this kills any worker that exceeds the RSS limit, but results in an empty metadata reply, which is unwanted behaviour. If however, we also supply --lazy, the app is loaded in the worker(s) and the (re)start of each worker then also triggers the reload of metadata. This could be a compromise if the VM is less cpu bound than memory?
Empty Metadata set while refreshing
It turns out pyFF returns an empty metadata set while refreshing, which is unwanted behaviour. The following code, inserted just before the final return in .api#process_handler inspects the validity of the Resource metadata. Having a loadbalancer inspect pyFF and temporarily evicting the server from pool if it receives a 500 could create a stable service.
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def process_handler():
# Only return request if md is valid?
valid = True
log.debug(f"Resource walk")
for child in
log.debug(f"Resource {child.url}")
valid = valid and child.is_valid()
if len( == 0 or not valid:
log.debug(f"Resource not valid")
# 500: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation.
raise exc.exception_response(500)
log.debug(f"Resource valid")
return response
Performance-test branch
Incorporated the "" changes in this branch to see how that would change the memory consumption of pyFF, but it didn't change much. It ends up using ~1.8G of RES after several hours of continuously (60s) refreshing the edugain metadata feed.
The changes try to store entities as their serialized (tostring) version of the metadata, and re-parse it on demand. The idea being that we don't need to keep track of the whole parsed tree, but just the serialized entities.
Size limitations
We plan to create a controlled mock metadata set containing multitudes of edugain metadata (e.g. 5k, 10k, 20k and 100k entities) to see how pyFF would cope with that amount of entities and metadata.