This page describes the selection of ideas for an Incubator cycle. It ties up with the activity 'Pitch & Discuss Ideas (APT check)', which is described in the T&I Incubator Activity Process. Ideas gathered during the year are listed and evaluated by the Main Incubator Board (MIB). Every proposer has to join a MIB meeting at least once to pitch his/her idea to the boardMIBs. Once this the Activitiy Selection process has been completed, the Proposers are required to finalize the project description.
The remaining steps are described in the T&I Incubator Activity Process
Pitch New Ideas
Based on the voting and the pre-requirements identified a list of four activities is proposed by the Project Management Board to the MIB, ALs and proposer(s) (stakeholders).
Review Selection
MIBs have the opportunity to provide feedback on the selection
, which must be provided within 7 days
after announcement. Any feedback will be considered and evaluated, but
might not influence the decision which was previously made.
Review Feedback
The feedback is reviewed and a
final decision is made by the Incubator
Task Leader in agreement with the ALs
. The work package leaders have to approve the activity selection.