"latitude": float number, --> latitude in degrees,decimal fractional minutes (note: we do not use this information anymore, yet it cannot be empty)
"longitude": float number, --> longitude in degrees,decimal fractional minutes (note: we do not use this information anymore, yet it cannot be empty)
"altitude": float number, --> altitude in meters (it can be empty)
"locationName": string, --> tested location name (can be empty)
"eduroamDbInstid": string, --> SP id used in eduroam DB, provided by the NRO (can be empty)
"eduroamDbLocationid": string, --> Location Id used in eduroam DB, provided by the NRO (can be empty)
"testDeviceLocationDescription": string --> describes the location of the test device
"locationMethod": string, --> typical values are 'Through IP' or 'Geolocation' (note: we do not use this information anymore, yet it cannot be empty)
"wifiSurround": array of BSSID => sig strength and SSID --> list of SSIDs found
"accessPointVisibleSSIDCount": integer --> number of Wi-Fi cells with a normally visible SSID
"accessPointHiddenSSIDCountaccessPointHiddenCellCount": integer --> number of Wi-Fi cells with a "hidden" SSID
"HS2Presence": stringarray --> list of HS2.0 consortium identifers found
"channelsAvailablechannelsInUse": stringarray --> list of available channels / frequencies
"eduroamAuthnTimeeapAuthnResult": floatarray numberof EAP types and the auth times (float) -->> time needed for successful eduroam AuthN in sec; ; -1=no success
"ipv4TimeToAddress": float number --> time needed to get valid IPv4 address in sec; -1=no connectivity;
"ipv6TimeToAddress": float number --> time needed to get valid IPv6 address in sec; -1=no connectivity;
"MinimalPortSetOpeneduroamMinimalPortSetOpen": boolean --> is minimal set of ports for eduroam SSID open? (true/false)
"ClosedPortseduroamWronglyClosedPorts": stringarray of strings (e.g. "TCP/443") --> list of ports which should be open but are closed
"EAPTypesTestencryptionLevel": boolean --> all EAP types supported (true/false)
"UnsupprotedEAPTypes": string --> list of unsupported EAP types
"eduroamEncription": string array of strings --> list of available encription standards
"eduroamChannelsAvailable": string --> list of available channels / frequencies for SSID eduroamencryption standards
"signalQuality": string --> list with signal quality per channel
"TransparentWebProxytransparentWebProxy": boolean --> transparent proxy used (true/false)ž
"NAT": boolean --> NAT used (true/false)
"downloadThroughput": float number, --> download speed in KBps (note: we use one decimal digit)
"uploadThroughput": float number, --> upload speed in KBps (note: we use one decimal digit)
"ipv4LocalPing": float number, --> IPv4 ping time in ms (note: we use one decimal digit) -1 if there was no IPv4 connectivity
"ipv6LocalPing": float number, --> IPv6 ping time in ms (note: we use one decimal digit) -1 if there was no IPv6 connectivity
JSON message example (
PHP creation script)
{ "reportOrigin": { [reportOrigin]
"testDeviceType": "Frankenprobe",
"testDeviceVersion": "1.0,
", "testDeviceId": "00-11-22-33-44-55",
"testInstanceUniqueId": "13df2a-671bbfa5697-13245-67713af",
"testStartTimestamp": "2017-09-13 15:00:00",
"testFinishedTimestamp": "2017-09-13 15:02:19",
}, "environment": { "latitude": 38.25,
"longitude": 21.73,
"altitude": -213.45,
"locationName": "Subterranean University", "eduroamDbInstid": "13", Main Building",
"eduroamDbLocationid": "2", "testDeviceLocationDescription": "rector's office, hidden behind the 'A Starry Night' van Gogh painting on the rear wall",
"locationMethod": "Differential Indoor GPS",
"wifiSurround": [": { "02-56-23-12-77-a2": { "eduroam": -67, "drillTest": -67 }, "09-55-ae-b1-99-33": { "geological_symposium" ] ,
: -92 } }, "accessPointVisibleSSIDCountHS2Presence": 7,
[ "00-1B-C5-04-60" ], "accessPointHiddenSSIDCountchannelsInUse": [ 1,
"eduroamAuthnSuccessful": true,
, 6, 11, 54 ] }, "connectivity": { "eapAuthnResult": { "TLS": -1, "TTLS": 1.086, "PEAP": 0.997 }, "ipv4TimeToAddress": 0.672,
09, "ipv6TimeToAddress": -1,
, "eduroamMinimalPortSetOpen": false, "eduroamWronglyClosedPorts": [ "TCP\/443" ], "encryptionLevel": [ "WPA2\/AES" ], "transparentWebProxy": false, "NAT": true }, "performance": { "downloadThroughput": 4375.0,
, "uploadThroughput": 3912.5,
"ipv4LocalPing": 4.7,
"ipv6LocalPing": -1,
} }