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(26-Sept-2018 version after joint EUGridPMA+AARC2 meeting, Toulouse, France)

Draft implementors guide at

Guidance for on the intended use of this Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use (AUP) text.

The AUP text below is intended to form part of the information presented to a member of a community (the user) at the time they register to access the services comprising an infrastructure. The AUP provides the user with information about their expected behaviour and restrictions on their use of the infrastructure. This "baseline" text can, optionally, be augmented with additional, community or infrastructure specific, clauses as required, but the numbered clauses should not be changed. The registration point where the user is presented with the AUP may be operated directly by the user's research community or by a third party on the community's behalf.


When using the baseline AUP text given below, curly brackets "{ }" (coloured blue) indicate text which should be replaced as appropriate to the community, agency or infrastructure presenting the AUP to the user. Angle brackets "< >" (coloured green) indicate text which is optional and should be deleted or replaced as appropriate as above.


WISE Baseline AUP v1.



Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use

This Acceptable Use Policy and Conditions of Use (“AUP”) defines the rules that govern your access to and use (including transmission, processing, and storage of data) of the resources and services (“Services”) as granted by {community, and/or the agency, or infrastructure name} ("Granting Authority") for the purpose of {describe the stated goals and policies governing the intended use}.
