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Minutes - WISE SBOD-WG call, 14 March 2016, 9:00 CET.

Present – Alessandra, Ralph, Stephane, Thilina, Magda

“Problem Statement and Scope”
document – PDF is now on Wiki – (work in progress).

Instead of having participants names, major projects and infrastructures will be listed with the initials of people involved (information to be added after the call).   

We need to define the length (proposed 12 months - March 2016 – Feb 2017) and the phases. June/July 2016 – first phase and results will be presented. Alessandra to check if 12 months’ time frame is in line with other WGs and ask SC to give feedback on the form.  It would be good to be able to identify shorter time objectives and, in order to show the progress of the group – provide a short description of conclusions after each step taken.   

All agreed, that the document can be open, but with everyone to contribute. Once finalized, a PDF will be published.

Provide definition what is big and open data for the group:

In his document, Ralph makes distinction between open and big data. The description of open data is broad. The focus should be at first on research open data and related to data that our projects and infrastructures are concerned with. Sharing data among collaboration has also restrictions and security implications. Look into data ownership - different levels of protection - can this be first distinction? Eg. medical data. Also legal restrictions to be considered and data lifecycle.

Limited access: how far do we want to run licensing? Embargo period – during 2 years limited to a restricted group, then open. Eg EUDAT pilot. It is helpful to look into the projects and identify use cases – what they do, their intentions; then prepare an overview. Are they compliant or interoperable?

Open data – Alessandra will remove word “access” (because it is also writing, sharing, publishing).

Research Data can be big and open – (list of data that is big and not open; private data but also data that has limited access by the owners).

The beginning when name of the WG was chosen – the idea was that infrastructures also deal with big data. Big data is distributed - much more complex – you need to distribute also security and privacy rules. Starting point can be distributed data (instead of open). This will limit the number of use cases.

Trying to define the scope now is difficult - at a later stage we can ask ourselves is this the scope or shall we include something else.

Alessandra – what we consider big data is distributed data. Do we change the name of the working group? No – it is only a special case, part of WISE, we can start with the distributed data and share the best practice.

Then we start with small data and define case for security – publishing, ownership etc. Once we have those, we can define how data can be protected.

Alessandra – white paper will be outcome of this phase – we should then create a doc showing steps we are taking to get to the white paper.

Alessandra will make and publish a PDF listing the projects. Then will create a share document to state what is for us open and distributed data – with definition what is in scope and out of scope, then studying and listing different approaches by different infrastructures. It is important to start identifying concrete examples to ease the understanding.

Doodle for next call –