Service Description: #Short description or URL to service description, which explains what the service is for, who is the target group and what benefits it does provide#Components: #What programming langauges, databases, operating system, other components does the service require#Service to allow a user to see if his eduGAIN IdP is releasing attributes properly, not too many and not too few. Service URL is
Components: Uses a LAMP stack with PHP (using Laravel 5.4 framework) and MySQL.
Code Repository:
- Development infrastructure: #Hostnames, databases, how to access it#
- Test infrastructure: #Hostnames, databases, how to access it#
- Production infrastructure: #Hostnames, databases, how to access it#
Operational Information: #Is there anything specifically needed or useful to know for the operation of the service#
- Test infrastructure: (change local hosts file for to point to this host )
- Production infrastructure: (service name
Deployment Information: ansible-playbook -i ./hosts -l $ENV ansible.yml
(where $ENV
is test
or prod
Operational Information: No regular operational maintenance needed as far as we knowRoadmap/ToDos: #Things that should be implemented/changed/extended as a next step#