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22nd & 23rd November 2018, Rome, Italy

SIG-NGN is the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks.

This meeting is was the first meeting of the SIG and aligned with the 8th SIG-NOC meeting and hosted by GARR in Rome.

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Meeting ID: 338 012 664

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CNRMeeting location: GARR, via dei Taurini 19, Rome.

The room (Sala Taurini) is located on the ground floor.

Due of the security requirements at the venue, attendees will need to deposit a form of ID with security staff to enter the building.Tizii 6, Rome

More details on how to get there and where to stay provided on the SIG-NOC wiki.

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Attendee List

1Rob EvansJisc
2Ahmed BenallegueEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
3Alberto BuginiArista
4Alessandro InzerilliConsortium GARR
5Alexander GallSWITCH staff
6Ana María Medina BarahonaREDIRIS
7Anke RussellGÉANT
8Anna WilsonHEAnet Staff
9Bojan JakovljevicAMRES
10Brook SchofieldGÉANT
11Damien ShawJisc
12David RichardsonJisc
13Francisco Jesús Monserrat CollREDIRIS
14Gloria VuagninConsortium GARR
15Håvard KusslidUninett
16Jac KlootsSURFnet bv
17James BurnettGÉANT
18Jan KundrátCESNET
19Jerry SobieskiNORDUnet
20Joe McNocherJisc
21Jørgen QvistNORDUnet A/S
22Konstantinos ChaloulosSWITCH staff
23Kurt BaumannSWITCH staff
24Lars FischerNORDUnet A/S
25Marco MarlettaConsortium GARR
26Mario PaoliConsortium GARR
27Michal HažlinskýCESNET
28Miguel Ferrer CamaraREDIRIS
29Morten BrekkevoldUninett
30Paolo BollettaConsortium GARR
31Per NihlénSUNET Employees
32Robert WeinACOnet
33Roman ŁapaczPoznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe
34Rudolf VohnoutCESNET
35Sadi KocakSURFnet bv
36Sajid MahmoodGÉANT
37Sonja FiliposkaMARnet/UKIM
38Stefan PigerDFN
39Svein Ove UndalUninett
40Thomas SchmidDFN
41Tim ChownJisc
42Yannis MitsosGreek Research and Technology Network - GRNET
43David HeedSUNET Employees

43 of 61 attendees agreed to have their details published on the attendee list.



Registration is Full! Remote Participation is available.

Agenda (all times are in CET)

Wednesday 21st November 2018

8th SIG-NOC meeting from midday

Thursday, 22nd November 2018

TimeWhat's happening
9:00 - 12:008th SIG-NOC meeting

Lunch - Efeso il Barrocciaio, Via dei Salentini, 12

14:00- 14:10

Welcome & Introduction - Rob Evans, Jisc & Rudolf Vohnout, CESNET & Edoardo Martelli, CERN at GARR, via dei Tizii 6

14:10-14:30"What do we mean by automation?" - Jerry Sobieski, NORDUnet

"Aristamatic" - Davide Bassani, Arista

15:00-15:30"SURFnet's DTAP (Development, Testing, Acceptance and Production) street for automation" – Jac Kloots, SURFnet
15:30-16:00Tea and coffee break

"Network automation at GRNET: lessons learned and the way forward" - Yannis Mitsos & Andreas Polyrakis, GRNET

16:30-17:00 "Automation for delivering Campus-Networking as a Service" - Per Nihlén, SUNET
17:00-17:20 "perfSONAR automated mesh deployment with Ansible" - Antoine Delvaux, PSNC (remote presentation)
17:20-17:40"High level automation using microservices" - Sonja Filiposka, MARnet
19:30Dinner (at own expense at Ristorante Pizzeria i Fratelli, Via degli Umbri, 14)

Friday, 23rd November 2018

TimeWhat's happening
09:00-09:30"Automation of Photonic layer using NETCONF/YANG Model" - Jan KundratKundrát, CESNET
09:30-10:00 "Automation at AARNet" - Warrick Mitchell, AARnet (remote presentation)
10:00-10:30   "Continuous deployment through Gitlab" – Anna Wilson, HEAnet
10:30-11:00 Tea and coffee
11:00-11:30 "GTS v6 Community Engagement" – Anke Russell, GÉANT
11:30-12:00 SIG


terms of reference (PDF|PPTX)

- What next? Brook Schofield, GÉANT

12:00-12:30Wrap up, Summary and Next Steps
