[MELLON_urn:oid:0_9_2342_19200300_100_1_3] => stephen.lovell@geant.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:0_9_2342_19200300_100_1_3_0] => stephen.lovell@geant.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_25178_4_1_11] => member@gn4-3.wp5.geant.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_25178_4_1_11_0] => member@gn4-3.wp5.geant.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_6] => stephen@acc.eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_6_0] => stephen@acc.eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_13] => 0226a866112c6a8c42e226c31d6bf04293de6582@eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_13_0] => 0226a866112c6a8c42e226c31d6bf04293de6582@eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_25178_4_1_6] => 0226a866112c6a8c42e226c31d6bf04293de6582@eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_25178_4_1_6_0] => 0226a866112c6a8c42e226c31d6bf04293de6582@eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7] => urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS#acc.eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_0] => urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS#acc.eduteams.org
Note that mod_mellon will create a series of single value variables named MELLON_var_{0..n}. If MELLON_var is single valued you will see a duplicate called MELLON_var_0
If MELLON_var is multivalued, you will find all values in their own variables eg:
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7] => urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS#acc.eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_0] => urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS#acc.eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_1] => urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS:gitlab#acc.eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_2] => urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS:gitlab:admin#acc.eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_3] => urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS:Developers#acc.eduteams.org
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_4] => urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS:gitlab:audit#acc.eduteams.org
Would be the result of the following assertion:
<ns1:Attribute FriendlyName="eduPersonEntitlement"
# This defines a directory where mod_auth_mellon should do access control.
<Location /secret>
# These are standard Apache apache configuration directives.
# You must have enabled Apache's authn_core and authz_user modules.
# See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_authn_core.html and
# http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_authz_user.html
# about them.
Require valid-user
AuthType "Mellon"
# MellonEnable is used to enable auth_mellon on a location.
# It has three possible values: "off", "info" and "auth".
# They have the following meanings:
# "off": mod_auth_mellon will not do anything in this location.
# This is the default state.
# "info": If the user is authorized to access the resource, then
# we will populate the environment with information about
# the user. If the user isn't authorized, then we won't
# populate the>
environment, but we won't deny the user
<ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
# access either.
# You can also use this to set up the Mellon SSO paramaters
#<ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
transparently at the top level of your site, and then use
"auth" to protect individual paths elsewhere in the site.
"auth": We will populate the environment with information about
<ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
# the user if he is authorized. If he is authenticated
# (logged in), but not authorized (according to the
<ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
# MellonRequire and MellonCond directives, then we will
# xsi:type="xs:string"
return a 403 Forbidden error. If he isn't authenticated
# >urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS:Developers#acc.eduteams.org</ns1:AttributeValue>
then we will redirect him to the login page of the IdP.
<ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
# There is a special handling of AJAX requests, that are
# identified by the "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" HTTP
# header. Since no user interaction can happen there,
# we always fail unauthenticated (not logged in) requests
# with a 403 Forbidden error without redirecting to the IdP.
# Default: MellonEnable "off"
MellonEnable "auth"
# MellonDecoder is an obsolete option which is a no-op but is
# still accepted for backwards compatibility.
# MellonVariable is used to select the name of the cookie which
# mod_auth_mellon should use to remember the session id. If you
# want to have different sites running on the same host, then
# you will have to choose a different name for the cookie for each
# site.
# Default: "cookie"
MellonVariable "cookie"
# Whether the cookie set by auth_mellon should have HttpOnly and
# secure flags set. Once "On" - both flags will be set. Values
# "httponly" or "secure" will respectively set only one flag.
# Default: Off
MellonSecureCookie On
# MellonCookieDomain allows to specify of the cookie which auth_mellon
# will set.
# Default: the domain for the received request (the Host: header if
# present, of the ServerName of the VirtualHost declaration, or if
# absent a reverse resolution on the local IP)
# MellonCookieDomain example.com
# MellonCookiePath is the path of the cookie which auth_mellon will set.
# Default: /
MellonCookiePath /
# MellonCookieSameSite allows control over the SameSite value used
# for the authentication cookie.
# The setting accepts values of "Strict", "Lax", or "None".
# When using none, you should set "MellonSecureCookie On" to prevent
# compatibility issues with newer browsers.
# If not set, the SameSite attribute is not set on the cookie. In newer
# browsers, this may cause SameSite to default to "Lax".
# Note: Regardless of the value set here a fixed SameSite value of
# None is used for the cookie test. The cookie test, which is performed
# with a static value, should detect whether the user's client accepts
# cookies or not before the auth_mellon session is established and thus
# avoid a redirect loop. Using a fixed SameSite value of None ensures
# that the cookie with the static value does not get lost in the
# HTTP-POST binding request issued by the autosubmit form returned by
# the IDP.
# Default: not set
# MellonCookieSameSite lax
# Some browsers will reject cookies if SameSite is specified.
# The MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE environment variable suppresses
# setting of SameSite cookies. You can use the following directives
# to set it.
# BrowserMatch "\(iP.+; CPU .*OS 12[_\d]*.*\) AppleWebKit\/" MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1
# BrowserMatch "\(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_\d\) AppleWebKit\/[\.\d]+ \(KHTML, like Gecko\)$" MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1
# BrowserMatch "Outlook-iOS" MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1
# BrowserMatch "UCBrowser\/(8|9|10|11)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)[\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1
# BrowserMatch "UCBrowser\/12\.13\.[0-1][\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1
# BrowserMatch "UCBrowser\/12\.1[0-2]\.(\d+)[\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1
# BrowserMatch "UCBrowser\/12\.\d\.(\d+)[\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1
# BrowserMatch "Chrom[^ \/]+\/6[0-6][\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1
# BrowserMatch "Chrom[^ \/]+\/5[1-9][\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1
# MellonUser selects which attribute we should use for the username.
# The username is passed on to other apache modules and to the web
# page the user visits. NAME_ID is an attribute which we set to
# the id we get from the IdP.
# Note: If MellonUser refers to a multi-valued attribute, any single
# value from that attribute may be used. Do not rely on it selecting a
# specific value.
# Default: MellonUser "NAME_ID"
#MellonUser "NAME_ID"
MellonUser "subject-id"
# MellonIdP selects in which attribute we should dump the remote
# IdP entityId. This is passed to other apache modules and to
# the web pages the user visits.
# Default: none
# MellonIdP "IDP"
# MellonSetEnv configuration directives allows you to map
# attribute names received from the IdP to names you choose
# yourself. The syntax is 'MellonSetEnv <local name> <IdP name>'.
# You can list multiple MellonSetEnv directives.
# Default. None set.
MellonSetEnv "e-mail" "mail"
# MellonSetEnvNoPrefix is identical to MellonSetEnv, except this
# does not prepend 'MELLON_' to the constructed environment variable.
# The syntax is 'MellonSetEnvNoPrefix <local name> <IdP name>'.
# You can list multiple MellonSetEnvNoPrefix directives.
# Default. None set.
MellonSetEnvNoPrefix "DISPLAY_NAME" "displayName"
# MellonEnvPrefix changes the string the variables passed from the
# IdP are prefixed with.
# Default: MELLON_
MellonEnvPrefix "NOLLEM_"
# MellonMergeEnvVars merges multiple values of environment variables
# set using MellonSetEnv into single variable:
# ie: MYENV_VAR => val1;val2;val3 instead of default behaviour of:
# MYENV_VAR_0 => val1, MYENV_VAR_1 => val2 ... etc.
# Second optional parameter specifies the separator, to override the
# default semicolon.
# Default: MellonMergeEnvVars Off
MellonMergeEnvVars On
MellonMergeEnvVars On ":"
# MellonEnvVarsIndexStart specifies if environment variables for
# multi-valued attributes should start indexing from 0 or 1
# The syntax is 'MellonEnvVarsIndexStart <0|1>'.
# Default: MellonEnvVarsIndexStart 0
MellonEnvVarsIndexStart 1
# MellonEnvVarsSetCount specifies if number of values for any given
# attribute should also be stored in variable suffixed _N.
# ie: if user is member of two groups, the following will be set:
# MELLON__groups=group1
# MELLON__groups_0=group1
# MELLON__groups_1=group2
# MELLON__groups_N=2
# Default: MellonEnvVarsSetCount Off
MellonEnvVarsSetCount On
# If MellonSessionDump is set, then the SAML session will be
# available in the MELLON_SESSION environment variable
MellonSessionDump Off
# If MellonSamlResponseDump is set, then the SAML authentication
# response will be available in the MELLON_SAML_RESPONSE environment
# variable
MellonSamlResponseDump Off
# MellonRequire allows you to limit access to those with specific
# attributes. The syntax is
# 'MellonRequire <attribute name> <list of valid values>'.
# Note that the attribute name is the name we received from the
# IdP.
# If you don't list any MellonRequire directives (and any
# MellonCond directives, see below), then any user authenticated
# by the IdP will have access to this service. If you list several
# MellonRequire directives, then all of them will have to match.
# If you use multiple MellonRequire directive on the same
# attribute, the last overrides the previous ones.
# Default: None set.
MellonRequire "eduPersonAffiliation" "student" "employee"
# MellonCond provides the same function as MellonRequire, with
# extra functionality (MellonRequire is retained for backward
# compatibility). The syntax is
# 'MellonCond <attribute name> <value> [<options>]'
# <value> is an attribute value to match. Unlike with MellonRequire,
# multiples values are not allowed.
# If the [REG] flag is specified (see below), <value> is a regular
# expression. The syntax for backslash escape is the same as in
# Apache's <LocationMatch>'s directives.
# Format strings are substituted into <value> prior evaluation.
# Here are the supported syntaxes:
# %n With n being a digit between 0 and 9. If [REG,REF]
# flags (see below) were used in an earlier matching
# MellonCond, then regular expression back references
# are substituted.
# %{num} Same as %n, with num being a number that may be
# greater than 9.
# %{ENV:x} Substitute Apache environment variable x.
# %% Escape substitution to get a literal %.
# <options> is an optional, comma-separated list of option
# enclosed with brackets. Here is an example: [NOT,NC]
# The valid options are:
# OR If this MellonCond evaluated to false, then the
# next one will be checked. If it evaluates to true,
# then the overall check succeeds.
# NOT This MellonCond evaluates to true if the attribute
# does not match the value.
# SUB Substring match, evaluates to true if value is
# included in attribute.
# REG Value to check is a regular expression.
# NC Perform case insensitive match.
# MAP Attempt to search an attribute with name remapped by
# MellonSetEnv. Fallback to non remapped name if not
# found.
# REF Used with REG, track regular expression back references,
# So that they can be substituted in an upcoming
# MellonCond directive.
# It is allowed to have multiple MellonCond on the same
# attribute, and to mix MellonCond and MellonRequire.
# Note that this can create tricky situations, since the OR
# option has effect on a following MellonRequire directive.
# Default: none set
# MellonCond "mail" "@example\.net$" [OR,REG]
# MellonCond "mail" "@example\.com$" [OR,REG]
# MellonCond "uid" "superuser"
# MellonEndpointPath selects which directory mod_auth_mellon
# should assume contains the SAML 2.0 endpoints. Any request to
# this directory will be handled by mod_auth_mellon.
# The path is the full path (from the root of the web server) to
# the directory. The directory must be a sub-directory of this
# <Location ...>.
# Default: MellonEndpointPath "/mellon"
MellonEndpointPath "/secret/endpoint"
# MellonDefaultLoginPath is the location where one should be
# redirected after an IdP-initiated login. Default is "/"
# Default: MellonDefaultLoginPath "/"
MellonDefaultLoginPath "/"
# MellonSessionLength sets the maximum lifetime of a session, in
# seconds. The actual lifetime may be shorter, depending on the
# conditions received from the IdP. The default length is 86400
# seconds, which is one day.
# Default: MellonSessionLength 86400
MellonSessionLength 86400
# MellonNoCookieErrorPage is the full path to a page which
# mod_auth_mellon will redirect the user to if he returns from the
# IdP without a cookie with a session id.
# Note that the user may also get this error if he for some reason
# loses the cookie between being redirected to the IdP's login page
# and returning from it.
# If this option is unset, then mod_auth_mellon will return a
# 400 Bad Request error if the cookie is missing.
# Default: unset
MellonNoCookieErrorPage "https://example.com/no_cookie.html"
# MellonSPMetadataFile is the full path to the file containing
# the metadata for this service provider.
# If mod_auth_mellon was compiled against Lasso version 2.2.2
# or higher, this option is optional. Otherwise, it is mandatory.
# Default: None set.
MellonSPMetadataFile /etc/apache2/mellon/sp-metadata.xml
# If you choose to autogenerate metadata, this option
# can be used to control the SP entityId
# MellonSPentityId "https://www.example.net/foo"
# If you choose to autogenerate metadata, these options
# can be used to fill the <Organization> element. They
# all follow the syntax "option [lang] value":
# MellonOrganizationName "random-service"
# MellonOrganizationDisplayName "en" "Random service"
# MellonOrganizationDisplayName "fr" "Service quelconque"
# MellonOrganizationURL "http://www.espci.fr"
# MellonSPPrivateKeyFile is a .pem file which contains the private
# key of the service provider. The .pem-file cannot be encrypted
# with a password. If built with lasso-2.2.2 or higher, the
# private key only needs to be readable by root, otherwise it has
# to be readable by the Apache pseudo user.
# Default: None set.
MellonSPPrivateKeyFile /etc/apache2/mellon/sp-private-key.pem
# MellonSPCertFile is a .pem file with the certificate for the
# service provider. This directive is optional.
# Default: None set.
MellonSPCertFile /etc/apache2/mellon/sp-cert.pem
# MellonIdPMetadataFile is the full path to the file which contains
# metadata for the IdP you are authenticating against. This
# directive is required. Multiple IdP metadata can be configured
# by using multiple MellonIdPMetadataFile directives.
# If your lasso library is recent enough (higher than 2.3.5),
# then MellonIdPMetadataFile will accept an XML file containing
# descriptors for multiple IdP. An optional validating chain can
# be supplied as a second argument to MellonIdPMetadataFile. If
# omitted, no metadata validation will take place.
# Default: None set.
MellonIdPMetadataFile /etc/apache2/mellon/idp-metadata.xml
# MellonIdPMetadataGlob is a glob(3) pattern enabled alternative
# to MellonIdPMetadataFile. Like MellonIdPMetadataFile it will
# accept an optional validating chain if lasso is recent enough.
# Default: None set.
#MellonIdPMetadataGlob /etc/apache2/mellon/*-metadata.xml
# MellonIdpPublicKeyFile is the full path of the public key of the
# IdP. This parameter is optional if the public key is embedded
# in the IdP's metadata file, or if a certificate authority is
# used. This parameter cannot be used if multiple IdP are configured.
# Default: None set.
MellonIdPPublicKeyFile /etc/apache2/mellon/idp-public-key.pem
# MellonIdPCAFile is the full path to the certificate of the
# certificate authority. This can be used instead of an
# certificate for the IdP.
# Default: None set.
MellonIdPCAFile /etc/apache2/mellon/ca.pem
# MellonIdPIgnore lists IdP entityId that should not loaded
# from XML federation metadata files. This is useful if an
# IdP cause bugs. Multiple entityId may be specified through
# single MellonIdPIgnore, and multiple MellonIdPIgnore are allowed.
# Default: None set.
#MellonIdPIgnore "https://bug.example.net/saml/idp"
# MellonDiscoveryURL is the URL for IdP discovery service.
# This is used for selecting among multiple configured IdP.
# On initial user authentication, it is redirected to the
# IdP discovery URL, with the following arguments set:
# entityID SP entityId URL, where our metadata
# are published.
# returnIDParam Argument that IdP discovery must send back.
# return Return URL the IdP discovery should return to.
# The IdP discovery must redirect the user to the return URL,
# with returnIDParam set to the selected IdP entityId.
# The builtin:get-metadata discovery URL is not supported anymore
# starting with 0.3.1. See MellonProbeDiscoveryTimeout for
# a replacement.
# Default: None set.
MellonDiscoveryURL "http://www.example.net/idp-discovery"
# MellonProbeDiscoveryTimeout sets the timeout of the
# IdP probe discovery service, which is available on the
# probeDisco endoint.
# This will cause the SP to send HTTP GET requests on the
# configured IdP PorviderID URL. Theses URL should be used to
# publish metadata, though this is not mandatory. If the IdP
# returns an HTTP status 200, then the IdP is selected.
# If the PorviderID URL requires SSL, MellonIdPCAFile is used
# as a trusted CA bundle.
# Default: unset, which means the feature is disabled
# MellonProbeDiscoveryTimeout 1
# MellonProbeDiscoveryIdP can be used to restrict the
# list of IdP queried by the IdP probe discovery service.
# If probe discovery fails and this is provided, an
# HTTP error 500 is returned, instead of proceeding
# with first available IdP.
# Default unset, which means that all configured IdP are
# queried.
# MellonProbeDiscoveryIdP http://idp1.example.com/saml/metadata
# MellonProbeDiscoveryIdP http://idp2.example.net/saml/metadata
# This option will make the SAML authentication assertion
# available in the MELLON_SAML_RESPONSE environment
# variable. This assertion holds a verifiable signature
# that can be checked again. Default is Off.
MellonSamlResponseDump Off
# This option will make the Lasso session available in
# the MELLON_SESSION environment variable. Default is Off.
MellonSessionDump Off
# This option will request specific authentication security-level
# through the AuthnContextClassRef element of the AuthnRequest It will
# also request enforcement of this level when receiving an
# authenticating Assertion.
# If the assertion does not have the required security level, an HTTP
# Forbidden status code is returned to the browser.
# MellonAuthnContextClassRef "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:Kerberos"
# MellonAuthnContextClassRef >urn:geant:eduteams.org:service:eduteams-acc:group:eduTEAMS:gitlab:audit#acc.eduteams.org</ns1:AttributeValue>