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This guide describes how mod_auth_mellon can be configured as a SAML Service Provider for eduTEAMS.

mod_auth_mellon is an authentication module for Apache. It authenticates the user against a SAML 2.0 IdP, and grants access to directories depending on attributes received from the IdP. It used to be maintained by Uninett, but is now in the community. The code and documentation can be found at

This guide assumes you're using a Debian-based Linux distribution, and you have installed and enabled the mod-auth-mellon module.

1. mod_auth_mellon

We suggest replicating populating the global configuration options given in the github repository (see above) for your configurationwith the following. Edit your auth_mellon.conf file to read as follows:

# Global configuration for mod_auth_mellon. This configuration is shared by
# every virtual server and location in this instance of apache.

# MellonCacheSize sets the maximum number of sessions which can be active
# at once. When mod_auth_mellon reaches this limit, it will begin removing
# the least recently used sessions. The server must be restarted before any
# changes to this option takes effect.
# Default: MellonCacheSize 100
MellonCacheSize 100

# MellonCacheEntrySize sets the maximum size for a single session entry in
# bytes. When mod_auth_mellon reaches this limit, it cannot store any more
# data in the session and will return an error. The minimum entry size is
# 65536 bytes, values lower than that will be ignored and the minimum will
# be used.
# Default: MellonCacheEntrySize 196608

# MellonLockFile is the full path to a file used for synchronizing access
# to the session data. The path should only be used by one instance of
# apache at a time. The server must be restarted before any changes to this
# option takes effect.
# Default: MellonLockFile "/var/run/mod_auth_mellon.lock"
MellonLockFile "/var/run/mod_auth_mellon.lock"

# MellonPostDirectory is the full path of a directory where POST requests
# are saved during authentication. This directory must writable by the
# Apache user. It should not be writable (or readable) by other users.
# Default: None
# Example: MellonPostDirectory "/var/cache/mod_auth_mellon_postdata"

# MellonPostTTL is the delay in seconds before a saved POST request can
# be flushed.
# Default: MellonPostTTL 900 (15 mn)
MellonPostTTL 900

# MellonPostSize is the maximum size for saved POST requests
# Default: MellonPostSize 1048576 (1 MB)
MellonPostSize 1048576

# MellonPostCount is the maximum amount of saved POST requests
# Default: MellonPostCount 100
MellonPostCount 100

# MellonDiagnosticsFile If Mellon was built with diagnostic capability###########################################################################
# thenEnd diagnosticof isglobal writtenconfiguration here, it may be either a filename or a pipe.
# If it's a filename then the resulting path is  relative to the ServerRoot.
# If the value is preceeded by the pipe character "|" it should be followed
# by a path to a program to receive the log information on its standard input.
# This is a server context directive, hence it may be specified in the
# main server config area or within a <VirtualHost> directive.
# Default: logs/mellon_diagnostics
MellonDiagnosticsFile logs/mellon_diagnostics

# MellonDiagnosticsEnable If Mellon was built with diagnostic capability
# then this is a list of words controlling diagnostic output.
# Currently only On and Off are supported.
# This is a server context directive, hence it may be specified in the
# main server config area or within a <VirtualHost> directive.
# Default: Off
MellonDiagnosticsEnable Off

# End of global configuration for mod_auth_mellon.

Next, add a location under the web server that will be protected, requiring a SAML authentication (and authorization if you require).

You will add this snippet after the global configuration, in the file auth_mellon.conf.

for mod_auth_mellon.

Next, add a location under the web server that will be protected, requiring a SAML authentication (and authorization if you require).

You will add this snippet after the global configuration, in the file auth_mellon.conf.

<Location />
   MellonEnable info
   MellonEndpointPath /mellon/
   MellonSPMetadataFile /etc/apache2/mellon/[your_sp]_mellon_metadata.xml
   MellonSPPrivateKeyFile /etc/apache2/mellon/https_[your_sp]_mellon_metadata.key
   MellonSPCertFile /etc/apache2/mellon/https_[your_sp]_mellon_metadata.cert
   MellonIdPMetadataFile /etc/apache2/mellon/eduTEAMS-metadata.xml
   MellonOrganizationURL "en" "mellon test for"
   MellonUser "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:attribute:subject-id"

MellonUser "urn:oid:"


<Location /private>
AuthType Mellon
MellonEnable auth
Require valid-user

Note you can also use MellonRequire to allow for access based on attributes sent for the user

1a Authorisation within Apache

You can use the directive MellonRequire within your apache <Location> directives.

MellonCond <attribute name> <value> [<options>]


MellonCond "urn:oid:" "<your eduTEAMS identifier>"

1b. Authorisation in code

mod_mellon will create a number of environment variables within your Apache instance.

See an example on the right.

If you do not want multi-valued attributes to create many 0...n numbered variables, set

 MellonMergeEnvVars  Off

 and this will give you eg

[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7] => "value1[;valueX]"

    [MELLON_urn:oid:0_9_2342_19200300_100_1_3] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:0_9_2342_19200300_100_1_3_0] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_25178_4_1_11] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_25178_4_1_11_0] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_6] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_6_0] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_13] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_13_0] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_25178_4_1_6] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_25178_4_1_6_0] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7] =>
    [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_0] =>

Note that mod_mellon will create a series of single value variables named MELLON_var_{0..n}. If MELLON_var is single valued you will see a duplicate called MELLON_var_0

If MELLON_var is multivalued, you will find all values in their own variables eg:

  [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7] =>
[MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_0] => [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_1] => [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_2] => [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_3] => [MELLON_urn:oid:1_3_6_1_4_1_5923_1_1_1_7_4] =>

Would be the result of the following assertion:

<ns1:Attribute FriendlyName="eduPersonEntitlement"
# This defines a directory where mod_auth_mellon should do access control. <Location /secret> # These are standard Apache apache configuration directives. # You must have enabled Apache's authn_core and authz_user modules. # See and # # about them. Require valid-user AuthType "Mellon" # MellonEnable is used to enable auth_mellon on a location. # It has three possible values: "off", "info" and "auth". # They have the following meanings: # "off": mod_auth_mellon will not do anything in this location. # This is the default state. # "info": If the user is authorized to access the resource, then # we will populate the environment with information about # the user. If the user isn't authorized, then we won't NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri"
# >
populate the environment, but we won't deny the user <ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs=""
# access either. xsi:type="xs:string"
# # You can also use this to set up the Mellon SSO paramaters ></ns1:AttributeValue>
<ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs=""
# transparently at the top level of your site, and then use xsi:type="xs:string"
# "auth" to protect individual paths elsewhere in the site. ></ns1:AttributeValue>
# "auth": We will populate the environment with information about <ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs=""
# the user if he is authorized. If he is authenticated xsi:type="xs:string"
# (logged in), but not authorized (according to the ></ns1:AttributeValue>
<ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs=""
# MellonRequire and MellonCond directives, then we will xsi:type="xs:string"
# return a 403 Forbidden error. If he isn't authenticated ></ns1:AttributeValue>
# <ns1:AttributeValue xmlns:xs=""
then we will redirect him to the login page of the IdP. xsi:type="xs:string"
# # There is a special handling of AJAX requests, that are # identified by the "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" HTTP # header. Since no user interaction can happen there, # we always fail unauthenticated (not logged in) requests # with a 403 Forbidden error without redirecting to the IdP. # # Default: MellonEnable "off" MellonEnable "auth" # MellonDecoder is an obsolete option which is a no-op but is # still accepted for backwards compatibility. # MellonVariable is used to select the name of the cookie which # mod_auth_mellon should use to remember the session id. If you # want to have different sites running on the same host, then # you will have to choose a different name for the cookie for each # site. # Default: "cookie" MellonVariable "cookie" # Whether the cookie set by auth_mellon should have HttpOnly and # secure flags set. Once "On" - both flags will be set. Values # "httponly" or "secure" will respectively set only one flag. # Default: Off MellonSecureCookie On # MellonCookieDomain allows to specify of the cookie which auth_mellon # will set. # Default: the domain for the received request (the Host: header if # present, of the ServerName of the VirtualHost declaration, or if # absent a reverse resolution on the local IP) # MellonCookieDomain # MellonCookiePath is the path of the cookie which auth_mellon will set. # Default: / MellonCookiePath / # MellonCookieSameSite allows control over the SameSite value used # for the authentication cookie. # The setting accepts values of "Strict", "Lax", or "None". # When using none, you should set "MellonSecureCookie On" to prevent # compatibility issues with newer browsers. # If not set, the SameSite attribute is not set on the cookie. In newer # browsers, this may cause SameSite to default to "Lax". # Note: Regardless of the value set here a fixed SameSite value of # None is used for the cookie test. The cookie test, which is performed # with a static value, should detect whether the user's client accepts # cookies or not before the auth_mellon session is established and thus # avoid a redirect loop. Using a fixed SameSite value of None ensures # that the cookie with the static value does not get lost in the # HTTP-POST binding request issued by the autosubmit form returned by # the IDP. # Default: not set # MellonCookieSameSite lax # Some browsers will reject cookies if SameSite is specified. # The MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE environment variable suppresses # setting of SameSite cookies. You can use the following directives # to set it. # BrowserMatch "\(iP.+; CPU .*OS 12[_\d]*.*\) AppleWebKit\/" MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1 # BrowserMatch "\(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_\d\) AppleWebKit\/[\.\d]+ \(KHTML, like Gecko\)$" MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1 # BrowserMatch "Outlook-iOS" MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1 # BrowserMatch "UCBrowser\/(8|9|10|11)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)[\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1 # BrowserMatch "UCBrowser\/12\.13\.[0-1][\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1 # BrowserMatch "UCBrowser\/12\.1[0-2]\.(\d+)[\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1 # BrowserMatch "UCBrowser\/12\.\d\.(\d+)[\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1 # BrowserMatch "Chrom[^ \/]+\/6[0-6][\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1 # BrowserMatch "Chrom[^ \/]+\/5[1-9][\.\d]* " MELLON_DISABLE_SAMESITE=1 # MellonUser selects which attribute we should use for the username. # The username is passed on to other apache modules and to the web # page the user visits. NAME_ID is an attribute which we set to # the id we get from the IdP. # Note: If MellonUser refers to a multi-valued attribute, any single # value from that attribute may be used. Do not rely on it selecting a # specific value. # Default: MellonUser "NAME_ID" #MellonUser "NAME_ID"
MellonUser "SUBJECT_ID"
# MellonIdP selects in which attribute we should dump the remote # IdP entityId. This is passed to other apache modules and to # the web pages the user visits. # Default: none # MellonIdP "IDP" # MellonSetEnv configuration directives allows you to map # attribute names received from the IdP to names you choose # yourself. The syntax is 'MellonSetEnv <local name> <IdP name>'. # You can list multiple MellonSetEnv directives. # Default. None set. MellonSetEnv "e-mail" "mail" # MellonSetEnvNoPrefix is identical to MellonSetEnv, except this # does not prepend 'MELLON_' to the constructed environment variable. # The syntax is 'MellonSetEnvNoPrefix <local name> <IdP name>'. # You can list multiple MellonSetEnvNoPrefix directives. # Default. None set. #MellonSetEnvNoPrefix "DISPLAY_NAME" "displayName" # MellonEnvPrefix changes the string the variables passed from the # IdP are prefixed with. # Default: MELLON_ MellonEnvPrefix "NOLLEM_" # MellonMergeEnvVars merges multiple values of environment variables # set using MellonSetEnv into single variable: # ie: MYENV_VAR => val1;val2;val3 instead of default behaviour of: # MYENV_VAR_0 => val1, MYENV_VAR_1 => val2 ... etc. # Second optional parameter specifies the separator, to override the # default semicolon. # Default: MellonMergeEnvVars Off MellonMergeEnvVars On MellonMergeEnvVars On ":" # MellonEnvVarsIndexStart specifies if environment variables for # multi-valued attributes should start indexing from 0 or 1 # The syntax is 'MellonEnvVarsIndexStart <0|1>'. # Default: MellonEnvVarsIndexStart 0 MellonEnvVarsIndexStart 1 # MellonEnvVarsSetCount specifies if number of values for any given # attribute should also be stored in variable suffixed _N. # ie: if user is member of two groups, the following will be set: # MELLON__groups=group1 # MELLON__groups_0=group1 # MELLON__groups_1=group2 # MELLON__groups_N=2 # Default: MellonEnvVarsSetCount Off MellonEnvVarsSetCount On # If MellonSessionDump is set, then the SAML session will be # available in the MELLON_SESSION environment variable MellonSessionDump Off # If MellonSamlResponseDump is set, then the SAML authentication # response will be available in the MELLON_SAML_RESPONSE environment # variable MellonSamlResponseDump Off # MellonRequire allows you to limit access to those with specific # attributes. The syntax is # 'MellonRequire <attribute name> <list of valid values>'. # Note that the attribute name is the name we received from the # IdP. # # If you don't list any MellonRequire directives (and any # MellonCond directives, see below), then any user authenticated # by the IdP will have access to this service. If you list several # MellonRequire directives, then all of them will have to match. # If you use multiple MellonRequire directive on the same # attribute, the last overrides the previous ones. # # Default: None set. #MellonRequire "eduPersonAffiliation" "student" "employee" # MellonCond provides the same function as MellonRequire, with # extra functionality (MellonRequire is retained for backward # compatibility). The syntax is # 'MellonCond <attribute name> <value> [<options>]' # # <value> is an attribute value to match. Unlike with MellonRequire, # multiples values are not allowed. # # If the [REG] flag is specified (see below), <value> is a regular # expression. The syntax for backslash escape is the same as in # Apache's <LocationMatch>'s directives. # # Format strings are substituted into <value> prior evaluation. # Here are the supported syntaxes: # %n With n being a digit between 0 and 9. If [REG,REF] # flags (see below) were used in an earlier matching # MellonCond, then regular expression back references # are substituted. # %{num} Same as %n, with num being a number that may be # greater than 9. # %{ENV:x} Substitute Apache environment variable x. # %% Escape substitution to get a literal %. # # <options> is an optional, comma-separated list of option # enclosed with brackets. Here is an example: [NOT,NC] # The valid options are: # OR If this MellonCond evaluated to false, then the # next one will be checked. If it evaluates to true, # then the overall check succeeds. # NOT This MellonCond evaluates to true if the attribute # does not match the value. # SUB Substring match, evaluates to true if value is # included in attribute. # REG Value to check is a regular expression. # NC Perform case insensitive match. # MAP Attempt to search an attribute with name remapped by # MellonSetEnv. Fallback to non remapped name if not # found. # REF Used with REG, track regular expression back references, # So that they can be substituted in an upcoming # MellonCond directive. # # It is allowed to have multiple MellonCond on the same # attribute, and to mix MellonCond and MellonRequire. # Note that this can create tricky situations, since the OR # option has effect on a following MellonRequire directive. # # Default: none set # MellonCond "mail" "@example\.net$" [OR,REG] # MellonCond "mail" "@example\.com$" [OR,REG] # MellonCond "uid" "superuser"
  MellonCond "eduPersonEntitlement" "[your_required_entitlements strings]"

# MellonEndpointPath selects which directory mod_auth_mellon
# should assume contains the SAML 2.0 endpoints. Any request to
# this directory will be handled by mod_auth_mellon.
# The path is the full path (from the root of the web server) to
# the directory. The directory must be a sub-directory of this
# <Location ...>.
# Default: MellonEndpointPath "/mellon" MellonEndpointPath "/secret/endpoint"
# MellonDefaultLoginPath is the location where one should be
       # redirected after an IdP-initiated login. Default is "/"
# Default: MellonDefaultLoginPath "/" MellonDefaultLoginPath "/"
# MellonSessionLength sets the maximum lifetime of a session, in
# seconds. The actual lifetime may be shorter, depending on the
# conditions received from the IdP. The default length is 86400
# seconds, which is one day.
# Default: MellonSessionLength 86400 MellonSessionLength 86400
# MellonNoCookieErrorPage is the full path to a page which
# mod_auth_mellon will redirect the user to if he returns from the
# IdP without a cookie with a session id.
# Note that the user may also get this error if he for some reason
# loses the cookie between being redirected to the IdP's login page
# and returning from it.
# If this option is unset, then mod_auth_mellon will return a
# 400 Bad Request error if the cookie is missing.
# Default: unset MellonNoCookieErrorPage "https://[your_sp_website]/no_cookie.html"

# MellonSPMetadataFile is the full path to the file containing
# the metadata for this service provider.
# If mod_auth_mellon was compiled against Lasso version 2.2.2
# or higher, this option is optional. Otherwise, it is mandatory.
# Default: None set. MellonSPMetadataFile /etc/apache2/mellon/sp-metadata.xml
# If you choose to autogenerate metadata, this option
# can be used to control the SP entityId
# MellonSPentityId ""
# If you choose to autogenerate metadata, these options
# can be used to fill the <Organization> element. They
# all follow the syntax "option [lang] value":
# MellonOrganizationName "random-service"
# MellonOrganizationDisplayName "en" "Random service"
# MellonOrganizationDisplayName "fr" "Service quelconque"
# MellonOrganizationURL ""
# MellonSPPrivateKeyFile is a .pem file which contains the private
# key of the service provider. The .pem-file cannot be encrypted
# with a password. If built with lasso-2.2.2 or higher, the
# private key only needs to be readable by root, otherwise it has
# to be readable by the Apache pseudo user.
# Default: None set. MellonSPPrivateKeyFile /etc/apache2/mellon/sp-private-key.pem
# MellonSPCertFile is a .pem file with the certificate for the
# service provider. This directive is optional.
# Default: None set. MellonSPCertFile /etc/apache2/mellon/sp-cert.pem
# MellonIdPMetadataFile is the full path to the file which contains
# metadata for the IdP you are authenticating against. This
# directive is required. Multiple IdP metadata can be configured
# by using multiple MellonIdPMetadataFile directives.
# If your lasso library is recent enough (higher than 2.3.5),
# then MellonIdPMetadataFile will accept an XML file containing
# descriptors for multiple IdP. An optional validating chain can
# be supplied as a second argument to MellonIdPMetadataFile. If
# omitted, no metadata validation will take place.
# Default: None set. MellonIdPMetadataFile /etc/apache2/mellon/eduTEAMS-metadata.xml
# MellonIdPMetadataGlob is a glob(3) pattern enabled alternative
# to MellonIdPMetadataFile. Like MellonIdPMetadataFile it will
# accept an optional validating chain if lasso is recent enough.
# Default: None set.
# MellonIdPMetadataGlob /etc/apache2/mellon/*-metadata.xml
# MellonIdpPublicKeyFile is the full path of the public key of the
# IdP. This parameter is optional if the public key is embedded
# in the IdP's metadata file, or if a certificate authority is
# used. This parameter cannot be used if multiple IdP are configured.
# Default: None set. MellonIdPPublicKeyFile /etc/apache2/mellon/idp-public-key.pem
# MellonIdPCAFile is the full path to the certificate of the
# certificate authority. This can be used instead of an
# certificate for the IdP.
# Default: None set. MellonIdPCAFile /etc/apache2/mellon/ca.pem
# MellonIdPIgnore lists IdP entityId that should not loaded
# from XML federation metadata files. This is useful if an
# IdP cause bugs. Multiple entityId may be specified through
# single MellonIdPIgnore, and multiple MellonIdPIgnore are allowed.
# Default: None set.
# MellonIdPIgnore ""
# MellonDiscoveryURL is the URL for IdP discovery service.
# This is used for selecting among multiple configured IdP.
# On initial user authentication, it is redirected to the
# IdP discovery URL, with the following arguments set:
# entityID SP entityId URL, where our metadata
# are published.
# returnIDParam Argument that IdP discovery must send back.
# return Return URL the IdP discovery should return to.
# The IdP discovery must redirect the user to the return URL,
# with returnIDParam set to the selected IdP entityId.
# The builtin:get-metadata discovery URL is not supported anymore
# starting with 0.3.1. See MellonProbeDiscoveryTimeout for
# a replacement.
# Default: None set. MellonDiscoveryURL ""
# MellonProbeDiscoveryTimeout sets the timeout of the
# IdP probe discovery service, which is available on the
# probeDisco endoint.
# This will cause the SP to send HTTP GET requests on the
# configured IdP PorviderID URL. Theses URL should be used to
# publish metadata, though this is not mandatory. If the IdP
# returns an HTTP status 200, then the IdP is selected.
# If the PorviderID URL requires SSL, MellonIdPCAFile is used
# as a trusted CA bundle.
# Default: unset, which means the feature is disabled
# MellonProbeDiscoveryTimeout 1
# MellonProbeDiscoveryIdP can be used to restrict the
# list of IdP queried by the IdP probe discovery service.
# If probe discovery fails and this is provided, an
# HTTP error 500 is returned, instead of proceeding
# with first available IdP.
# Default unset, which means that all configured IdP are
# queried.
# MellonProbeDiscoveryIdP
# MellonProbeDiscoveryIdP
# This option will make the SAML authentication assertion # available in the MELLON_SAML_RESPONSE environment # variable. This assertion holds a verifiable signature # that can be checked again. Default is Off. MellonSamlResponseDump Off # This option will make the Lasso session available in # the MELLON_SESSION environment variable. Default is Off. MellonSessionDump Off # This option will request specific authentication security-level # through the AuthnContextClassRef element of the AuthnRequest It will # also request enforcement of this level when receiving an # authenticating Assertion. # If the assertion does not have the required security level, an HTTP # Forbidden status code is returned to the browser. # MellonAuthnContextClassRef ></ns1:AttributeValue>

2. Next, download the eduTEAMS metadata

mkdir /etc/apache/mellon
wget "" -O /etc/apache2/mellon/eduTEAMS-metadata.xml

3. Now generate the metadata for your mellon SP

It is a matter of record that any shell script designed to be useful in setting up a system is not guaranteed to be present. If having installed the Apache auth-mellon package for your system you cannot find the script you can source it from the github home of the package ie

Please note that whilst the metadata generated but the script is valid, it is does not contain all elements the eduTEAMS service prefers.



(cd /etc/apache2/mellon or the location you choose to use) 

./ urn:someservice

./ https://[your_sp]/mellon/metadata https://[your_sp]/mellon

This will give you three files:


Note - these three files are those we refer to in the file auth_mellon.conf (earlier in this document).

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" xmlns:mdattr="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:attribute" xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:mdui="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:ui" xmlns:ds="" entityID="https://[your_sp]/mellon/metadata">
    <mdattr:EntityAttributes xmlns:mdattr="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:attribute">
      <saml:Attribute xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" Name="" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:
        <!-- Required for 
MellonAuthnContextClassRef "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport"
SPs -->
# MellonAuthnContextClassRef "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:SoftwarePKI"
 <saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xsi:type="xs:string"></saml:AttributeValue>
# This option will set the "Comparsion" attribute within the AuthnRequest
<!-- Required for Production SPs -->
# It could be set to "exact", "minimum", "maximum" or "better"
<saml:AttributeValue xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xsi:type="xs:string"></saml:AttributeValue>

  <!-- Required 
for SPs 
MellonSubjectConfirmationDataAddressCheck is used to control
Sirtfi -->
      <saml:Attribute Name="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:attribute:assurance-certification" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri">
IP address against the address returned by the
<saml:AttributeValue xsi:type="xs:string"></saml:AttributeValue>

      <!-- Required to signal 
release of 
the SubjectConfirmationData node. Can be useful if your SP is
subject-id -->
      <saml:Attribute Name="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:attribute:subject-id:req" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri">
# behind a reverse proxy or any kind of strange network topology making IP address of client # different for the IdP and the SP. Default is on.

  <md:SPSSODescriptor protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" AuthnRequestsSigned="true">
# MellonSubjectConfirmationDataAddressCheck On
<mdui:UIInfo xmlns:mdui="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:metadata:ui">

# Does not check signature on logout messages exchanges with idp1
<!-- Required: Change it for your SP -->
# MellonDoNotVerifyLogoutSignature
<mdui:DisplayName xml:lang="en">[your_sp_description]</mdui:DisplayName>

        <!-- Required: Change 
enable replay of POST requests after authentication. When this option is
SP -->
        <mdui:Description xml:lang="en">[your_sp_description_full_sentence]</mdui:Description>
# enabled, POST requests that trigger authentication will be saved until the # authentication is completed, and then replayed. If this option isn't enabled,
 <!-- Required for Production: Change it for your SP -->

        <mdui:PrivacyStatementURL xml:lang="en">[your_privacy_policy_url]</mdui:PrivacyStatementURL>

        <!-- Required: Change it for your SP -->
# the requests will be turned into normal GET requests after authentication.
<mdui:Logo width="200" height="200">[your_sp_img_url_200x200]</mdui:Logo>
        <mdui:Logo width="16" height="16">[your_sp_img_url_16x16]</mdui:Logo>

# # Note that if this option is enabled, you must also
<!-- Optional: Change it for your SP -->
        <mdui:InformationURL xml:lang="en">https://[your_sp]</mdui:InformationURL>
set the MellonPostDirectory option in the server configuration. #

    <!-- Required: Change it for your SP -->
    <md:KeyDescriptor use="signing">
is that it is "Off".
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="">
Page to redirect to if the IdP sends an error in response to
of https_[your_sp]_mellon_metadata.cert }
# the authentication request.
    <!-- Required: Change it for your 
# Example:
SP -->
    <md:KeyDescriptor use="encryption">
MellonNoSuccessErrorPage https
<ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="http://
default is to not redirect, but rather send a
{ contents of https_[your_sp]_mellon_metadata.cert }
# 401 Unautorized error.
controls whether to include a list of IDP's when # sending an ECP PAOS <AuthnRequest> message to an ECP client. MellonECPSendIDPList Off # This option controls whether the Cache-control header is sent # back in responses.

    <!-- Optional: Change it for your SP -->
    <md:SingleLogoutService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect" Location="https://[your_sp]/mellon/logout"/>

    <!-- Required -->
      In the list below all the attributes are requested. If your SP 
Default: On # MellonSendCacheControlHeader Off
attributes, the list has to be modified accordingly
    <md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="https://[your_sp]/mellon/postResponse" 
# List of domains that we allow redirects to.

    <md:AttributeConsumingService index="0">
      <md:ServiceName xml:lang="en">[your_sp_description]</md:ServiceName>
The special name "[self]" means the domain of the current request. # The domain names can also use wildcards.
<md:RequestedAttribute Name="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:attribute:subject-id" FriendlyName="subject-id"/>
      <md:RequestedAttribute Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="eduPersonUniqueId"/>
      <md:RequestedAttribute Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="voPersonID"/>
Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="givenName"/>
# Example:
Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="sn"/>
# * Allow redirects to and all subdomains:
<md:RequestedAttribute Name="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241" FriendlyName="displayName"/>
# MellonRedirectDomains *
<md:RequestedAttribute Name="urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3" FriendlyName="mail"/>
# * Allow redirects to the host running mod_auth_mellon, as well as the
Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="voPersonExternalAffiliation"/>
      <md:RequestedAttribute Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="eduPersonScopedAffiliation"/>
Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="eduPersonEntitlement"/>
<md:RequestedAttribute Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="eduPersonAssurance"/>
# MellonRedirectDomains [self]
<md:RequestedAttribute Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="eduPersonOrcid"/>
# * Allow redirects to all domains:
<md:RequestedAttribute Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="eduPersonPrincipalName"/>
# MellonRedirectDomains *
Name="urn:oid:" FriendlyName="sshPublicKey"/>
# Default: # MellonRedirectDomains [self] MellonRedirectDomains [self]

  <!-- Required: Change it for your SP -->
    <md:OrganizationName xml:lang="en">[your_organisation]</md:OrganizationName>
    <md:OrganizationDisplayName xml:lang="en">[your_organisation]</md:OrganizationDisplayName>
This option controls the signature method used to sign SAML # messages generated by Mellon, it may be one of the following # (depending if feature was supported when Mellon was built): # # rsa-sha1 # rsa-sha256
<md:OrganizationURL xml:lang="en">[your_organisation_homepage]</md:OrganizationURL>

  <!-- Required: Change it for your SP -->
  <md:ContactPerson contactType="administrative">

  <!-- Required: Change it for your SP -->
  <md:ContactPerson contactType="technical">

  <!-- Required for SPs supporting Sirtfi: Change it for your SP -->
  <md:ContactPerson xmlns:remd="" 
# MellonSignatureMethod

Next, download the eduTEAMS metadata



2. Apache

All of the configuration to enable mod_mellon, and specify areas of your site to protect are covered above.

mkdir /etc/apache/mellon
wget "" -O /etc/apache2/mellon/eduTEAMS-metadata.xml
2. Apache

3. Restarting the apache2 service

systemctl restart apache2

4. Conclusion

You should now have a working integration of Apache and Shibboleth v3 SP services on your machine.