The purpose of this wiki is to provide technical instructions and recommendations how to make use of eduTEAMS.
The wiki provides access to the documentation, guidelines and pointers to external pages.
If you don't find answers for your questions in this wiki, you might also contact the for assistance and guidance.
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eduGAIN Documentation
Home for formal documentation eduGAIN technical website
Operational processes specification and documentation, as implemented by eduGAIN operations team.
eduGAIN Operational Practice Statement: joining and membership (draft)
eduGAIN Operational Practice Statement: SAML operations (draft)
eduGAIN SAML Metadata Aggregation Practice Statement (draft)
Best Current Practice
Strongly recommended for federation and entities operators. Adherence can be monitored via the eduGAIN technical website.
REFEDS Security Incident Response Trust Framework for Federated Identity (Sirtfi)