The following individuals formed a new steering committee in February 2023.
Silvia Fiore (GÉANT- Coordinator)
Lonneke Walk (SURFnet – Chair)
Naira Kocharyan (ASNET-AM)
Laetitia Lagneau (Belnet)
Barbara Carroll (HEAnet)
Ela Yazdani (CANARIE)
Jane Gifford (AARNet)
SIGs and TFs are collectively led by their Steering Committees (SC). The SC is made of a maximum of 5 voluntary members who are nominated by its participants and appointed by GÉANT for a two-year term of office that is interruptible and/or renewable.
The SC is responsible for the business of the group. The SC takes decisions primarily by consensus or by simple majority within the SC. If a decision cannot be made, GÉANT is responsible for the decision.
The SC is also responsible for producing any relevant report about the progress of the group according to the pre-defined yearly plan and Key Performance Indicators, if applicable.
The SC members should maintain a proactive overview on the subject area on which the respective SIG/TF focuses, to ensure that there is as a minimum a continuous exchange of ideas and information, and in case help in creating ad-hoc specific collaborations between the SIG/TF and the other groups in the similar area. It can happen that some groups deal with the same area of investigation, often with a few individuals being involved in more than one SIG/TF, so ensuring cross information dissemination and some collaboration when possible maximises the results.
The SC’s main responsibilities are:
Preparing the agenda of each meeting.
Coordinating the work of the SIG/TF.
Ensure that the agreed deliverables are being produced.
Ensure proactive liaisons between the SIG/TF work and other groups in related areas