1. Crisis communication - how to recognise a crisis and respond adequately? How to master channels and techniques which will minimise the damage? How to stop the crisis to "overflow" from the virtual world to printed media and television?
  2. Online reputation -- how to follow it and further enhance it? What are the most significant tools and principles for evaluating the reputation of a person, brand or organisation on the Internet, how to maintain control? How the online reputation can affect company's overall image?
  3. Following /capture the social media -- which applications, and process for this (overseeing its use and how its use)
  4. Best use cases in social media (applicable for our community)
  5. One step ahead – possibilities of mobile communications - Getting to know new geo-location services (Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp, Facebook Places), applications for iPhone and Andorid, services of the future (augmented reality), their business implementation and how to use them for campaigns.
  6. Writing for web - how to create messages of satisfying quality, but with interesting content? In what way should we create a message so interesting that we would want to share it immediately? Why are some messages popular and can be find in all forums and social networks? Which approach should be cultivated when addressing the target audience by online media?
  7. Why online PR? - Topics on how social networks changed the communication between people, how the definition of anonymity changed because of the internet and how to achieve good communication with those who do not wish to communicate. Why are the budgets which companies set for the online communication getting bigger and what is our digital future?
  8.  Process of creating communication through online and mobile channels - Getting to know the creative and production process in establishing and realizing low-budget campaigns: idea, production and putting creative elements in the new media. What should be thought through before launching a campaign, how to minimize risks and achieve best possible effect. Getting to know the law and legal procedures.
  9. Advertising on the Internet and every viral is worth your money - What are the possible ways of advertising on the Internet and how to achieve desired results with a very limited budget? What is a viral campaign, how to create an activist site, how to creatively and functionally use mobile telephones in campaigns