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Default bwctld.limits File

#		$Id: BwctlToolInfoLimFile.txt,v 1.1 2006/09/19 13:01:00 TobyRodwell Exp www-data $
#																							  #
#								  Copyright (C)  2003								  #
#		 University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development		  #
#								  All Rights Reserved								  #
#																							  #
#		 File:			  bwctld.limits
#		 Author:			Jeff W. Boote
#							  Internet2
#		 Date:			  Tue Sep  9 16:29:19 MDT 2003
#		 Description:
#					This is an example "limits" file for the bwctld
#					process.
#		 Basics:
#		 Almost the same as owampd - with the following limit types defined:
#		 parent
#		 bandwidth
#		 pending
#		 event_horizon
#		 duration
#		 allow_open_mode
#		 allow_tcp
#		 allow_udp

# setup the root node with max bandwidth as open as possible.
limit root with \
		  bandwidth=900m, \
		  duration=0, \
		  allow_udp=on, \
		  allow_tcp=on, \

# minimal everything
limit jail with parent=root, \
		  bandwidth=1, \
		  duration=1, \
		  allow_udp=off, \
		  allow_tcp=off, \

# wide open everything - default integer limits to parent to get max
limit ami with parent=root, \
		  bandwidth=0, \
		  duration=0, \

# default everything to disabled
#assign default jail
assign default ami

# loopback for testing
assign net ::/127 ami
assign net ami

# nmslan networks
assign net 2001:468::/40 ami
assign net ami
assign net ami

# testing
#assign user boote ami

– Main.TobyRodwell - 19 Sep 2006

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