TF-OpenSpace – Session 4, room 8.   16 October 2013. 

Lead by: Tom Myren

Attendees: Anders, Brook, Chad, Hideaki, José-Manuel, Klaas, Paul, Philippe.

Notes: Brook Schofield

Problem: Monitoring is often limited to checking the availability of insitutitonal RADIUS servers. There is no monitoring of the reverse path.


F-Ticks and why this exists was the initial discussion. Collection of authentication data for reporting to the European Commission to support the funding of the GÉANT series of projects. Limited value in monitoring "outages" via this system and certainly no problem rectification.

Monitoring probe projects have started within the wider community (collection of work includes AARNet, SURFnet, RIPE NCC ATLAS, Srce, SURFnet v2, Uni Loughborough).

The audience of the TF mailing lists is too broad for fault finding and operational support and it would be preferable to have this on a list independent of the taskforce.

There are many monitoring projects that have started over the years but no consolidated collection of all monitoring resources. Suggestion to add them to this wiki as comments.

[ACTION] Creation of a mailing list (Roaming Operators Group). Taking the concept as its baseline. 

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