

  • Complementary to technical developments in the services and incubator tasks in this WP, in the area of eIDAS 2.0 and EUDI wallets, T6 will:
    • Explore the research and education use cases for the wallet.
    • Facilitate information exchange around the wallet developments in the GÉANT community.
    • Foster collaboration towards global interoperability for the R&E use cases.
    • Support participation in relevant forums, standardisation bodies, industry working 

Material used

Action items

(see also slides)

Setup Slack channel in Géant slack Casperasapopen

Join the wallet community e-mail list

for those that want toasapopen

Think about any travel that you want to do that represents the Géant wallet subtask work

allbefore next meetingopen

Setup wiki space for the wallet sub-task

Stefanbefore next meetingopen

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