- Amineh Akhavan Saraf
- Maarten Kremers
- Niels van Dijk
- Wolfgang Pempe
- Stefan Liström
- Nicolas Liampotis
- Panos Louridas
- Casper Dreef
- Eivind Krieg Lysø
- Complementary to technical developments in the services and incubator tasks in this WP, in the area of eIDAS 2.0 and EUDI wallets, T6 will:
• Explore the research and education use cases for the wallet.
• Facilitate information exchange around the wallet developments in the GÉANT community.
• Foster collaboration towards global interoperability for the R&E use cases.
• Support participation in relevant forums, standardisation bodies, industry working
Material used
Action items
(see also slides)
Setup Slack channel in Géant slack | Casper | asap | open |
Join the wallet community e-mail list | for those that want to | asap | open |
Think about any travel that you want to do that represents the Géant wallet subtask work | all | before next meeting | open |
Setup wiki space for the wallet sub-task | Stefan | before next meeting | open |