eduroam Development VC Minutes 2025-02-25 1600 CET
- Stefan Winter (Restena)
- Stefan Paetow (Jisc)
- Ed Kingscote (CANARIE, CA)
- Anders Nilsson (SUNET, SE)
- Tomasz Wolniewicz (PSNC)
- Zbigniew Ołtuszyk (PSNC)
- Janfred Rieckers (DFN, DE)
- Alan Dekok (FreeRADIUS)
- Fabian Mauchle (Switch)
- Christian Rohrer (Switch)
- Martin Stanislav (SANET, SK)
- Maja Gorecka-Wolniewicz (PSNC)
- Louis Twomey (HEAnet, IE)
- Hideaki Goto (Tohoku University/NII)
- Ingimar Jonsson (RHNET, IS)
- Zenon Mousmoulas (GRNET)
- Halil Adem (GRNET)
- Ed Wincott (Jisc, UK)
- Guy Halse (TENET)
- Frederic Gerber (Switch)
- Janos Mohacsi (Pro-M, HU)
Agenda / Proceedings
Welcome / Agenda Bashing
CAT news
- CAT is working smoothly
- Managed SP is being worked on
WPA3 Enterprise no-transition
- call for testing: does it work well to set WPA3-only for 5+6 GHz, with WPA2 for 2.4 only?
- Brian Ward Darthmouth College. have good experience. (Upcoming WLPC presentation)
- Still issues/questions regarding manual onboarding on 6GHz and on transition (especially with Win11)
- some people say Transition Mode is not actually a problem
- FYI, Passpoint requires WPA3.
- Policy decisions of sorts “hotspots must support WPA3 from X on” are not for this group (and probably can only be taken for Europe anyway, not global scale). Are also less critical because not cutting off long tail.
- vs. “hotspots only doing WPA2 are not supported any more” does cut off old equipment and needs to be more thoughtfully considered
IETF updates
- radext interim yesterday
- discussed open issues in RADIUS/DTLS document
- thesis from Janfred is submitted, now more time to work on EAP-FIDO
OpenRoaming updates
- Luxembourg (RESTENA) is making progress in OpenRoaming, one is on-boarding, one has a lot of questions about paperwork (DPIA, legal requirements of becoming ANP), WBA site is not useful at all. Stefan P to pass some docs and details to Stefan W.
- Hideaki G reports: Cityroam board recently received Open Innovation Award from the Minister for Science and Technology Policy in Japan. :-)
- Their eduroam/OpenRoaming combined deployment worked!
Workshop from Radiator and FreeRADIUS Technical: Radiator, radsecproxy, FreeRADIUS, Painless Security, and others will focus on proxy issues
- Public: various presentations on WBA (how accounting is terrible), eduroam (Klaas), university, enterprise NAC, etc.
- Agenda is now final and online.
- (The Ruckus WPA3 DPSK is a hack where the client needs to do WPA2 first, MAC address RADIUS based works fine though) is under discussion with many people… Jouni Malinen && Alan DeKok are following
Next VC
- 11 Mar 2025, 1600 CET