Chairs: Robert Ott, Niels van Dijk, Gert De Braekeleer

Supported by: Licia Florio, Michelle Williams

Monday 25th April 2022, 14:00-16:00 CET



Welcome and follow up to February's meeting



Description of three proposed use cases (+ Q&A)

Niels van Dijk, SURF, will present a summary of the following:

    1. eduID and SSI
    2. Open Accreditation: Identity Federations set up a lot of trust, but with a lot of effort and preparation to create that trust – an opportunity offered by SSI is to establish trust in a different (more open) way, making it easier to share the data in our sector with other sectors (e.g. providing evidence of qualifications to employment agencies, where the receiving entity doesn’t want to become a federation member).
    3. Frictionless research collaboration based on the sharing of credentials in such a way that doesn’t require complex routing/context where the user has to know which IdP, VO, etc to utilise in which context, exploring ways to collect ’tokens’ from multiple sources.

The use cases would encompass various aspects such as technology (both DLT and SSI), legal, ‘service model’, etc, as not some may be appropriate for SSI, some may (or may not) be appropriate for a public ledger.

  • Where might SSI make a difference?
  • (note that a design goal is to make students' use of SSI much better)
  • Use cases:
  •  eduID:
    • as worked upon by a number of NRENs (such as SURF, SWITCH, SUNET).
    • to create a stable identity throughout educational and academic career, supporting lifelong learning.
    • the wallet model is a natural evolution for this concept and removes the need for a centralised NREN infrastructure to hold credentials.
  • Diplomas and micro-credentials:
    • trusted exchange of digital diploma information, 'badges' and the like.
  • Researcher identification and authorisation:
    • Blend of institution identities and external identities
    • In this case, the centralised infra would only be used to hold VO credentials, not as an authN proxy
    • Removes the need to switch between accounts (instead user would select the claims to communicate to the provider).
  • Open questions remain:
    • How to handle long-term management of credentials?
    • Diplomas/badges may still need user identification attached to credentials
    • Can the trust ecosystem be shared between all use cases?
    • How many wallets will have to co-exist?
    • What are the rules or participation likely to be, and how does that apply in cross-regional contexts
  • Next steps:
    • From the incubator, the work is finished but a final cycle in GN4-3 might look at some aspects of this.
    • There is a proposed WP re distributed identity/SSI - Christoph Graf will lead that in GN5.
    • We must be part of the discussion of the EC's view on the diploma use case
    • There are also a number of EU tenders ongoing around wallet-based scenarios and EIDAS regulations.


Dragonfly blockchain

Robert Ott, SWITCH

  • Layer-2 Blockchain based on Hyperledge BESU (open source project for deployable EVM-compatible blockchain infrastructure)
  • Open to anyone
  • Demo
15:00 - 15:25
Guest Speaker from the GEANT Innovation Programme: Impact of European Digital Identity Wallets on NRENs

Jurjen Braakhekke (Innovalor)

  • Positioning in the European Digital Identity Ecosystem
  • Core eWallet functions: identification/authentications (PID), both pseudeonymous or anonymous authentication, providing attributes and attestations, creating qualified electronic signatures.
  • eWallets will create a shift from 'identity only' eID to a wide range of identity related attributes, and every member state must make available at least one eWallet for citizens. 
  • eID will be not only for the public sector, but also for private sector use cases, and must be accepted by private organisations, e.g. for student registration at educational institutes.
  • eWallet and attestation providers will not be allowed to use eWallet usage data unless permitted by the user.
  • eWallets will have to be free to the users.
  • Becoming a wallet provider would not be a sensible approach as multiple wallets already exist, however, it might be that a generic open-source prototype wallet will be provided by the EU to use in the build, and it might be that this concept simplifies the process of becoming a wallet provider.


See also: GÉANT’s Digital Identity Strategy and implementation in GN5, Upcoming eIDAS projects and changes to the European Digital Identity Regulation infoshare, 20th April 2022.

GÉANT’s Digital Identity Strategy and implementation in GN5, Upcoming eIDAS projects and changes to the European Digital Identity Regulation

Future meetings:

Post event survey:

Meeting recording:


Robert Ott, SWITCH

Niels van Dijk, SURF

Jurjen Braakhekke, Innovalor

Christoph Graf, SWITCH

Wolfgang Pempe, DFN-AAI

Marcus Hardt

Gert de Braekeleer, Belnet

Janne Lauros, CSC

Jurgen Brauckmann, DFN-CERT

Martin van Es, M7/GEANT Incubator

Paulo Pamplona, SUNET

Bjorn Mattsson, SUNET

Ivan Kanakarakis, SUNET

Michelle Williams, GEANT

Zoom chat:

From Christoph Graf to Everyone

Hm, triggering the interesting question of how many wallets I’ll have to feed ;-)
From Roberto Sabatino to Everyone 01:50 PM
apologies I have to go to another meeting now
From Christoph Graf to Everyone 02:21 PM
Have you some evidence that Apple and Co. are adhering to the eWallet standards, or is there a risk that they are going to do their own competing thing instead?
From Niels van Dijk to Everyone 02:25 PM
Microsoft already has a wallet and SSI platform
From Martin to Everyone 02:26 PM
Standards used by MS:
From Niels van Dijk to Everyone 02:27 PM
Their DLT is called ION and they are building it into MS authenticator which may be used as a wallet
From Christoph Graf to Everyone 02:35 PM
and committed to carry the e-ID, once the requirements are known?
From Niels van Dijk to Everyone 02:36 PM
unknown at this point, but as the product owner @MS is Dutch I could ask him if he would be willing to present on this
From Christoph Graf to Everyone 02:37 PM
cool idea!

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