SCIV2-WG List of Actions

Meeting 4 May 2016

  1. DaveK - create a page on wiki where scope issues can be discussed. Done (13 May)
  2. All - document our existing communication channels for sharing operational security information.  Dropped (8 July)
  3. DaveK/all - work towards a mandate and plan for the working group - to be presented at the TNC2016 BoF.   Discussed and agreed during meeting on 1st June 2016.
  4. All - study SCI version 1 document to look for what needs to be removed, added, expanded and to identify any conflicts for new stakeholders. Dropped in favour of more restricted action 3 of 13 May meeting.

Meeting 13 May 2016

  1. DaveK - create Action List page on wiki. Done (17 May)
  2. All - contribute to wiki discussions page on the scope of our activities.   Scope now agreed so no real need for more discussion (1st June)
  3. Try writing a document (or complete the assessment spreadsheet) for SCI V1 - sections 4 (OS) and 5 (IR) - before next meeting if possible   Done for 1st June (in some form).

Meeting 1 June 2016

  1. DaveK to update Vidyo connection details - CERN has changed IP addresses  Done (8 July)



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