12 August 13:00UTC


Welcome, Introductions and Agenda AgreementPål

Service Team OverviewDavide

Terms of Reference and Work PlanAll

Membership applications


Future meetings, Summary and Actions Pål

Meeting Close

Attendees: Farhan, Casper, Davide, Jonathan, Pål, Marina, Slavek, Nicole, Maarten, Thijs, Francisca



Welcome, Introductions and Agenda Agreement

Pål opened the meeting and welcomed the committee members.

Minutes of the previous meeting: eduGAIN Steering Committee May 2024. The minutes were accepted.

Action list: 

  • Rec 1.2 - Create document describing the the problem statement.
  • Rec 3.2 - Davide and Casper to create an audit process and share with the Steering Committee.

Audit process: same tool as Communication Challenge that the CSIRT team runs yearly. The code has been shared and ready to be used. The eduGAIN Support is happy to contribute to this. The audit requires a holistic approach. Action remains "open".

  • Casper to create eSG Slack group on eduGAIN Slack.

Service Team Overview

OIDCFed for eduGAIN is proceeding well. Particularly the collaboration with the Incubator task (GN5-1 project). Creating tool-set that will be published beginning end Q3/start Q4 with a pilot.
Operations Team: solved issue with CAFe (Brazil). The Federation started publishing two endpoints. Problem with the load balancer. The Federation was not responsive, but in the end replied and fixed the issue.
Continuing onboarding new Ops Team members. Team members: Alex Stuart, Barbara Monticini, Mario Di Lorenzo and Björn Mattson.

Terms of Reference and Work Plan

Futures WG white paper: 2022 eduGAIN Futures Working Group Report Consultation

Upgrading eduGAIN from v1 of several entity categories and specifications to v2 - email Thijs 12 July 2024.

Rec3.2: Who is responsible for updates about the member?

To be more effective, some preparations are required. One of which is a list of priorities. The eduGAIN Service Team will provide resources. Then Working Groups will be created to get input of the membership and the wider community. 

Recommendation 2.3 (Strategy and Mission Statement): Inter-dependencies of recommendations. Value proposition of the service.

Membership applications

Updated Register of Interest.
EFIS/Ethiopia: EFIS - EthERNet - eduGAIN Candidate Process 

Resigning of Declaration: update. 18 federations have signed. Quite a few federations had problems with IdPs. Does this document really need the highest level of authority to sign?


eSC member terms.
Thijs' position will be a 1 year term.
The other positions will be for 2 years.

Future meetings, Summary and Actions

eSC meeting: Tuesday 12 November, 14CET.

Assembly meeting: Wednesday 4 December, 14CET

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