Agenda Wednesday March 9

09:00-10:30 Session A3 Trust and Identity -Users


Chair Ann Harding

Intro by chair - 5 mins

Mini Plenary - AARC and GÉANT interworking - 40 mins

a) AAI Architectures - current and future (20 mins) Christos & Lukas
b) Assurance (20 mins) - Daniela & Hannah

Round tables 40 mins - topics happen in parallel

5 mins final wrap-up by chair

11:00-12:30  Session A4 Trust and Identity -Services

Ann Chairs

Intro by chair, 5 mins

Mini Plenary - KPIs, development and operations 40 mins

a) Gamification of KPIs - Brook
b) Project future - services dev & ops - Ann & Marina (includes info about what is CSI)

Round tables 40 mins - topics happen in parallel

  • eduGAIN consititution and policy - Rhys 
  • eduGAIN technical - Brook + Tomasz

5 mins final wrap-up by chair

13:30-15:00 Session A5 Trust and Identity - Technology

Remco chairs.

Intro by chair, 5 mins

Round tables - 80 mins 

introduction - 15 mins

Short introduction per topic table on the topic and what table host would like to get out of it.

(Also allowing people to change table at this point if they want)

Round tables in parallel - 50 mins

topics and tentative topic hosts

Wrap-up/conclusions per table - 15 mins

Short summary and conclusions per table by the topic hosts.


  • No labels


  1. eduroam to end users round table 09.03.16 Trust and Identity Users' session:


    • eduroam viewed as wireless provider by end users, and there are alternatives/competitors.
    • end users care mostly about getting to the internet, not so much about how that's achieved.
    • eduroam is complicated to set up compared to other techs such as SIM cards. Creates a barrier to starting to use eduroam and possible that support is never asked for if an end user just defaults to a "simpler" solution. The impression of eduroam should be that it is of equal or greater ease to set up and use than alternatives.
    • Difficult to fix when something goes wrong.
    • Removal of roaming fees in the EU; end users less incentivised to use eduroam on mobile devices.
    • MulteFire developing an offer of LTE-like performance with Wi-Fi-like simplicity - Could be a challenger to eduroam 
    • Assisting end users with identifying who their IdP is and providing them with details of who/how to contact.

     Good stuff:

    • Do still get feedback after 10 years that end users are impressed at the range of locations that eduroam is available in.


    • Most difficult: Improving the quality of support offered to end users by their IT/support departments/IdPs.
    • Should improve on support tools, to enhance knowledge and enable better support to end users.
    • How far should we go in "forcing" IdPs to be helpful? Could provide a document that outlines  best practice for eduroam; question over whether this should be for information only or something IdPs should be asked to agree/sign-up to?
  2. Moonshot moving to service round table 09.03.16:

    Current status and plan to launch:

      • Moonshot Pilot ran through GN3+ and GN4-1, and will continue in GN4-2 as service launch is prepared for.
      • The service specification and cost benefit analysis for a GEANT-operated service based on Moonshot were approved.
      • Will be working closely with SA2 in GN4-2 to transition into service. There are a number of dependencies in play. 
      • Earliest possible service launch will be the back end of 2016.

    Challenges/barriers to deployment and uptake:

    • Finding convincing use cases for which Moonshot is the solution (rather than a "solution without a problem").
    • Moonshot technology supported and manintained in Distros, e.g. libraries and packaging for CentOS and Debian. Being quicker at getting into Distros when new versions released. Note: Packages for CentOS 7 being done currently, due end of March (with thanks to University of Murcia).
    • Security of protecting users and traceability & audit of provisioned user accounts.
    • Performance - slower than an end user will accept in production? With Trust Router the first establishment of a Trust path can take up to 9 seconds, but after this first establishment is quick. But to an end user, waiting 9 seconds may give the impression of a failed attempt.
    • Difficulty in deploying the required infrastructure.
    • Support for MAC. Researchers predominantly use MAC and support is not in place. Jisc intend to address this by Q3 2016.
    • Need to understand what versions of operating systems are being used by potential users, and what is supported by the NREN/organisation.
    • Competitors? ECP gathering pace and addressing SSH (one of the key use cases for Moonshot, also).
    • Potential loss of interest if not progressed with haste to a MVP production release?

     Use cases:

    • Jean Marie - RENATER: Sharing a resource amongst many users and provisioning accounts quickly.
    • University of Murcia: Use case for providing outside users to resources at the institution.
    • Avgust Jauk - ARNES: using Moonshot as authentication mechanism for email clients.


    • Potential to make use of underlying eduroam RADIUS infrastructure; can this be exploited?