Eduroam development VC, 20170711

Stefan Winter, RESTENA
Reimer Karlsen-Masur, DFN-CERT Services GmbH
Miroslav Milinovic, Srce / CARNet
Maja Gorecka-Wolniewicz, PIONIER
Brian Epstein, Institute for Advanced Study
Marko Eremija, AMRES
Pedro Simões, FCCN
Žilvinas Vaira, LITNET
Mike Zawacki, Internet2
Zenon Mousmoulas, GRNET
Tomasz Wolniewicz, PSNC


Agenda / Minutes
1. Welcome, agenda bashing

2. Managed IdP: SMS sending implemented
   no insight into current balance at Nexmo - cat-pilot could be "broke" at some point. Stefan to top up balance and think about an alerting mechanism
   1:n mapping of invitation vs. cert implemented in backend - needs UI (especially: space for number of uses; deletion of partly used invitation)
   lets make revocation of certificates and revocation of invitations independent. If a admin wants to "kill" a user he should remember to revoke both the certificates AND outstanding open invitation links
   "Deactivate user" should however revoke both certificates AND the pending invitations

3. Self-service diagnosis

   - probe data format
     JSON is fine for techs, but human-readable documentation should accompany it
     need to differentiate between: dedicate hardware devices  - probes - vs. end-user devices doing proby stuff: we are right now only working on the former; latter is a "GN6 dream" :-)
     Zenon mentions statsd; probably enough if it is just about metrics (boolean, integer, ...) ? ?

Defining "metrics":

However metric types vary per implementation:

These have native boolean types:

Zenon's point was: If you only need to collect some metrics (counters, gauges... *not* arbitrary strings) use some widely implemented/available metric format/protocol; if you need to process *structured data*, then perhaps you need another schema.

4. AOB / Next VC
   * 25 July 2017, 1530 CEST

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