For testing with SimpleSAMLPHP, see for reference on how to configure SSP

In a persistent identifier scenario, the RP requests a persistent identifier using the persistent scope, and should receive a pairwise sub per RP, regardless of which persistent Identifier attributes we received from the SAML IdP as an identifier.
We cannot deliver a persistent Identifier if we do not get any persistent Identifier from the SAML IdP

The following scenarios need to be tested:

ConfigurationParameters (for SSP)Expected Result

Transient SAML NameID, eduPersonAffiliation and SchacHomeOrganization

IdP: release

  • transient SAML nameID
  • edupersonaffiliation
  • schachomeorganization

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope
NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
urn:oid: =
urn:oid: = student
  • TRANSACTION MUST FAIL, as we have no persistent ID to base our response on.
  • Redirect to invalid attributes page

Transient SAML NameID, eduPersonScopedAffiliation

IdP: release

  • transient SAML nameID
  • eduPersonScopedAffiliation

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope
NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
urn:oid: =
  • TRANSACTION MUST FAIL, as we have no persistent ID to base our response on.
  • Redirect to invalid attributes page

Transient SAML NameID, eduPersonPrincipleName, eduPersonScopedAffiliation

IdP: release

  • transient SAML nameID
  • edupersonPrincipleName
  • eduPersonScopedAffiliation

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope

NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient

urn:oid: =

urn:oid: =

  • Student validation PASS
  • Affiliate validation PASS
  • Employee validation FAIL
  • RP receives a pairwise sub for each transaction.
  • edupersonPrincipleName is the basis for the pairwise sub value

Transient SAML NameID, eduPersonUniqueID, eduPersonScopedAffiliation

IdP: release

  • transient SAML nameID
  • edupersonUniqueID
  • eduPersonScopedAffiliation

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope

NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient

urn:oid: =

urn:oid: =
  • Student validation PASS
  • Affiliate validation PASS
  • Employee validation FAIL
  • RP receives a pairwise sub for each transaction.
  • edupersonUniqueID is the basis for the pairwise sub value

Transient SAML NameID, eduPersonTargetedD, eduPersonScopedAffiliation

IdP: release

  • transient SAML nameID
  • edupersonTargetedID
  • eduPersonScopedAffiliation

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope

NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient

urn:oid: = a6c2c4d4-08b9-4ca7-8ff9-43d83e6e1d35 

urn:oid: =

For config of ssp for generating ePTiD, see

  • Student validation PASS
  • Affiliate validation PASS
  • Employee validation FAIL
  • RP receives a pairwise sub for each transaction.
  • edupersonTargetedID is the basis for the pairwise sub value

Persistent SAML NameID, eduPersonAffiliation and SchacHomeOrganization

IdP: release

  • persistent SAML nameID
  • edupersonaffiliation
  • schachomeorganization

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope
NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent
urn:oid: =
urn:oid: = student
  • Student validation PASS
  • Affiliate validation PASS
  • Employee validation FAIL
  • RP receives a pairwise sub for each transaction.
  • persistent SAML nameID is the basis for the pairwise sub value

Persistent SAML NameID, eduPersonScopedAffiliation

IdP: release

  • transient SAML nameID
  • eduPersonScopedAffiliation

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope
NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent
urn:oid: =
  • Student validation PASS
  • Affiliate validation PASS
  • Employee validation FAIL
  • RP receives a pairwise sub for each transaction.

Persistent SAML NameID, eduPersonPrincipleName, eduPersonScopedAffiliation

IdP: release

  • persistent SAML nameID
  • edupersonPrincipleName
  • eduPersonScopedAffiliation

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope

NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent

urn:oid: =

urn:oid: =

  • Student validation PASS
  • Affiliate validation PASS
  • Employee validation FAIL
  • RP receives a pairwise sub for each transaction.
  • We must use the SAML nameID to base our identifier on, as ePPN may be reassigned.

Persistent SAML NameID, eduPersonUniqueID, eduPersonScopedAffiliation

IdP: release

  • transient SAML nameID
  • edupersonUniqueID
  • eduPersonScopedAffiliation

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope

NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent

urn:oid: =

urn:oid: =
  • Student validation PASS
  • Affiliate validation PASS
  • Employee validation FAIL
  • RP receives a pairwise sub for each transaction.
  • We must use the edupersonUniqueID to base our identifier on, as ePPN may be reassigned.

Persistent SAML NameID, eduPersonTargetedD, eduPersonScopedAffiliation

IdP: release

  • transient SAML nameID
  • edupersonTargetedID
  • eduPersonScopedAffiliation

RP request:

  • persistent scope
  • student scope

NameIDFormat = urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent

urn:oid: = a6c2c4d4-08b9-4ca7-8ff9-43d83e6e1d35 

urn:oid: =

For config of ssp for generating ePTiD, see
  • Student validation PASS
  • Affiliate validation PASS
  • Employee validation FAIL
  • RP receives a pairwise sub for each transaction.
  • We must use the edupersonTargetedID to base our identifier on, as ePPN may be reassigned.
  • No labels