- TNC17
- First internal Milestone (M10)
- Middle and long term planning
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
the eduKEEP survey | Davide Vaghetti |
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15min | TNC17 |
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15min | First internal Milestone (M10) | All |
5min | Internal rules for document editing | Justin Knight | Use a single Google Doc with all of the above as headings, with a lead author for each section. Existing material at: |
10min | Middle and long term planning | All |
Action items
- Davide Vaghetti will ask Karl about how many FO has completed the survey so far
- Davide Vaghetti will draft an email to request some time reserved for Identity Federations at TNC17
- Hervé BOURGAULT will write a TOC for the M10 doc (Overview). Davide Vaghetti and Rolf Brugger will help/supervise
- Maarten Kremers to review the documents in Google Drive and do a tidy up as a start to the ToC deliverable
- Justin Knight to chase down MoU template from GEANT