


  • Mid term planning
  • Next actions

Discussion items

10minReview of the previous actionsDavide Vaghetti
  • out of the Google drive clean up (it will take more time) - All done
5minUpdate on the eduKEEP surveyKarl Meyer
  • The survey so far did well: 13 federations out of 40 answered
  • We have to send a reminder (Karl will copy-edit it)
30minPlanning for pilotsAll
10minNext actionsAll
  • f2f meeting on architecture
  • Review the TOC prepared by Hervé and have one team member assigned for each section

Action items

  • All: Review ToC and make sure it matches our internal milestones  
  • All: Volunteer for parts of the writing 
  • Davide Vaghetti will send a reminder to the FOG and REFEDS list for the survey  — since there was some criticism about sending the survey to the FOG list,  the reminder has been delivered directly at the eduGAIN TownHall meeting at Wien on .
  • Maarten Kremers Davide Vaghetti: Organise a brainstorm / input f2f session on the architecture (to address both the overview and the pilot)