


  • Agree on a process to get to the first draft of the deliverable

Discussion items

30mPlanning for the next two months

The first draft of the deliverable is due in the first week of Ocober. To make sure we are done in time Davide and Maarten will make a table of contents and assign responsibility for each section.

The draft will be written by two people and the rest of the group will submit content and review. A face2face meeting to write the draft with the whole group is discussed, but it is concluded that this won't make it easier and is not efficient.

5mGDPR Constantin asked if we need to look at eduKEEP and GDPR implications. It is discussed that there might be different implications for eduKEEP as opposed to home IDP's.  Mihaly will look into this.

As a central IDP can be a target of attacks, it is very important to incorporate a paragraph or two on security in the deliverable. We don't need to reinvent the wheel; it can just be a few recommendations on existing norms like SIRTIFI and ISO 27001. Mihaly will look into this.

20mPosition statementWe discuss if there should be a position statement for eduKEEP, and if so, what should be in it. It is decided that we will make an initial position statement in which we touch upon the user-centric approach and why we are doing this project with people from all over Europe. The text that Karl wrote for the TNC lightning talk can be used as a starting point for this statement. Hervé will make a first draft after the summer. Davide will plan a VC to talk about this subject in more detail.