



  • Jan Klever
  • Dragana Despic (maternity leave?)
  • Marko Eremija

Discussion items

5 minQuick IntroductionsAll
  • All participants introduced themselves.  Nicole mentioned that Marko has left AMRES and Dragana will be on maternity leave so we need to fill these roles.  Also still trying to recruit to the new T&I role at GÉANT org and they will join tasks.
 40 min Introduction to the Task  Nicole
  •  Nicole gave a quick introduction and overview of the task and task administration. 
  • The main work will be done on the wiki (here) please let Nicole know if you don't have access. 
  • For chats we will use eduGAIN Slack - Brook will add us all to a channel there.  
  • Reimer asked about the wiki spaces across project phases.  Nicole will check with Licia and Marina.
  • Michael asked about the separation of the OLA and policy issues on the wiki. 
5 minAOBAll
  • Nicole to check with Boro regarding missing email. 

Action items

  • Nicole Harris to contact each sub-task separately to explain the work that needs doing.
  • Nicole Harris to send a Doodle for a regular task call.
  • Nicole Harris to ask Marina and Licia about how best to manage wiki spaces across project phases.